[Abstract]:With the development of ubiquitous network, pervasive computing and sensor technology, a user-centered ubiquitous computing environment is emerging. How to obtain the appropriate information from big data in the computing environment to meet the user's individualized "on-demand" information service requirements has become the key problem to be solved by the information service. Situational awareness has become an important way to realize the personalized service of information resources by acquiring user situations through sensing devices and other channels and pushing resources or services for users. Situation acquisition is the basic link to realize situational awareness. The existing methods of situational acquisition can no longer meet the requirements of massive diversity and dynamic change of situational information in ubiquitous computing environments. In social tagging, the idea of mass participation, openness and dynamic tagging mode provide the possibility for the realization of mass oriented and dynamic open situation acquisition. To that end, This paper combines the project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, "the Research of situation perception Personalized Information Service driven by Social in the Computational Environment" (Project No.: 71471165), and Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation Project "Information search for Intelligent Tourism" (item No.: 71471165). Research based on socialized situational perception (item No.: LY15G010010). The main contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) constructing a situational acquisition model based on social tagging, starting with the similarity of socialized tagging and situational acquisition models; The analysis shows that the shared mode of resource tagging in social tagging can be transplanted into the context acquisition model and provide a new way of thinking for the acquisition of logical situation information. Finally, the socialized annotation is introduced to construct the situation acquisition model based on social annotation. (2) analyzing the situation acquisition mechanism based on social annotation, starting with the process of situation acquisition, elaborating the recommendation mechanism of logical situation information in detail. The interaction interface mechanism and interactive selection mechanism between user and system are analyzed in detail, and the causes of each mechanism are analyzed in detail. (3) designing experiments to explore the influence of different mechanisms on situational acquisition. According to the three mechanisms, this paper designs the three experiments of logical situation information acquisition, interactive interface experiment, user and system interaction experiment, respectively, and adopts the method of questionnaire investigation and simulation. The experimental results are discussed and analyzed. It is found that the proposed mechanism can effectively recommend the appropriate logical situation information for users. At the same time, adjusting the number of items in the recommended list of situation information can improve the ability and effect of situation acquisition, and the active tagging behavior of user to physical situation can effectively improve the effectiveness of situation information acquisition.
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