[Abstract]:In order to reduce the computation cost and maintain the matching accuracy in the shape matching stage, a shape descriptor combining multi-scale triangle features is proposed, which makes use of the global shape feature to perform rough matching and uses real-time matching method to complete the matching process. Firstly, the shape contour of multi-scale is obtained by Gao Si evolution and the contour points on different scales are used to form a characteristic triangle. Then, the contour information is described by triangle area and feature angle. Finally, the candidate contour is screened by shape area ratio. The similarity of descriptors between different shapes is calculated to match. The experimental results on different shape datasets show that this method has better matching results and less matching time, and it can describe the local and global features of shapes quickly and accurately, and has advantages in practical applications.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学电子信息学院;
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