[Abstract]:As the most basic means of production in farming, the quality of the seeds determines the success or failure of the planting, directly affects the farmer's production increase, increases the income, and affects the steady development of the rural economy. Quality inspection and evaluation of seed is an important link to ensure seed quality and seed resource management. It is very important to control seed quality effectively to improve product yield and quality, implement high-quality and good-price policy, and ensure the safety of seed storage and transportation and the process of seed industrialization. Aiming at the difficulties and key points of seed quality detection, based on spectral imaging technology, machine vision technology and combined image processing technology, The detection methods of internal and external quality (moisture content, moldy and damage) of corn seeds were studied by machine learning algorithm and spectral analysis technology. The detection system and algorithm developed on the basis of the above-mentioned research laid the foundation for the rapid detection of maize seed quality using machine vision and multi-spectral imaging technology. The main contents and conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) The rapid non-destructive testing method of corn seed moisture content using 400-1000 nm high-spectrum image is studied. First, processing and analyzing the high-spectrum images of 400-1000 nm on the positive and reverse sides of the seeds respectively, extracting the spectral data of the centroid region, screening the characteristic bands by using a Competitive Adaptive Weight-weighted Variable Selection Algorithm (CARS), and establishing a corresponding PLS water content prediction model. Secondly, two characteristic bands (520 nm, 560 nm) were selected for band operation to obtain seed positive, negative and centroid positions. and finally, selecting the corresponding water content prediction model to carry out water content detection on the 45 verification set samples according to the test result. The results show that the positive and negative recognition rates are 97. 8% and 100%, respectively. The correlation coefficients of the two-sided hybrid position verification set are 0. 896,0. 948, 0. 885, respectively. The root mean square error RMSEV is 0. 823%, 0. 593%, 0. 858%, respectively. The prediction model of moisture content is better than that of using mixed spectral information by using single-sided spectrum information, and the prediction model of moisture content is established by using the spectral curve of the reverse endosperm region. (2) The rapid non-destructive testing method of corn seed moisture content using 1000-2500 nm high-spectrum image was studied. and collecting the high-spectrum images of the seed positive and the reverse surfaces of 1000-2500nm respectively, and establishing a VPLS water content prediction model. Seed positive and reverse information was obtained using four characteristic bands (1104 nm, 1304 nm, 1454 nm, 1751 nm). The results showed that the positive and negative recognition rates were 97. 8% and 100%, respectively. The correlation coefficients of the positive and negative were 0. 969, 0. 946, 0. 947, and the root mean square error RMSEV was 0. 464%, 0. 616%, 0. 667%, respectively. The prediction model of moisture content is better than that of using mixed spectral information by using single-side spectrum information, and the model of moisture content prediction is established by using the regional spectral curve of frontal embryo section. (3) The rapid detection and automatic sorting of corn seed moldy and damage using machine vision and image processing technology were studied. Using the effective characteristic parameter training classifier screened by the I-Relieve algorithm for seed recognition and detection, the results show that the whole surface color characteristic parameter training classifier is used to detect the moldy corn seeds, and the accuracy of the moldy seed identification using the Naive Bayes classifier is 98%. The seed tip color characteristic parameter training classifier was extracted to detect the moldy corn seeds, and the accuracy of using Naive Bayes classifier was 99.3%, and the extraction shape characteristic parameters were used to detect the damage corn seeds. The accuracy of the classifier was 97.3% using the BP neural network training classifier.
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