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发布时间:2018-11-02 16:09
【摘要】:物联网产业在全球范围内发展迅猛,保证物联网络中的信息传递的高效性、安全和隐私性是保证其服务满意度的基础。物联网操作系统是物联网络体系中的重要组成部分,提高物联网操作系统中性能和安全性是保证物联网系统中服务高效和安全的基础。高效利用有限的硬件资源才能保证物联网系统高效运转。同时,物联网操作系统中的安全性也直接影响着物联网中“物与物”及“人与物”之间信息传递的安全性,因此必须提高底层操作系统本身的安全性。本文从物联网操作系统的存储资源和功耗利用两方面出发,探究其中的性能缺陷和安全缺陷,主要研究其性能缺陷和安全缺陷在出现原因、规避方法、检测规则、修复方法等方面的特点。本文研究了三个开源物联网操作系统——Contiki、TinyOS和RIOT OS,从其存储资源和功耗利用机制方面着手,研究其在这两方面存在的性能缺陷和安全缺陷。最终基于LLVM编译器框架开发缺陷检测工具——RULEDE,并在以上三个操作系统及其应用上进行实验,实验结果表明RuleDe能够有效地检测到物联网操作系统中的性能缺陷和安全缺陷,且Contiki和RIOT OS中存在滥用存储和CPU时间的性能缺陷以及滥用存储的安全缺陷。
[Abstract]:The Internet of things industry is developing rapidly all over the world, which ensures the high efficiency of information transmission in WLAN, and the security and privacy are the basis of guaranteeing its service satisfaction. The Internet of things operating system is an important part of the WIP network system. Improving the performance and security of the IOT operating system is the basis to ensure the high efficiency and security of the service in the IoT system. Efficient use of limited hardware resources to ensure the efficient operation of the Internet of things system. At the same time, the security of the Internet of things operating system has a direct impact on the security of information transmission between "things and things" and "people and objects" in the Internet of things, so the security of the underlying operating system must be improved. From the aspects of storage resources and power consumption utilization of the Internet of things operating system, this paper probes into the performance defects and security defects, mainly studies the causes of the performance defects and security defects, the methods of circumvention, the detection rules. The characteristics of restoration methods and so on. In this paper, three open source Internet of things operating systems, Contiki,TinyOS and RIOT OS, are studied from the aspects of storage resources and power utilization mechanism, and their performance and security defects are studied. Finally, based on the LLVM compiler framework, a defect detection tool, RULEDE, is developed and tested on the above three operating systems and its applications. The experimental results show that RuleDe can effectively detect the performance defects and security defects in the Internet of things operating system. Moreover, Contiki and RIOT OS have the performance defect of misuse storage and CPU time and the security defect of misuse storage.


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