[Abstract]:The core idea of VES is that the signer uses the public key of the arbiter to encrypt a common digital signature issued by himself. Then it is proved that the ciphertext does contain a common signature, and any verifier can use the public key of the arbiter to verify its authenticity, but it is impossible to extract the ordinary signature without the help of the signer or the arbiter. When a dispute arises, the verifier may require the arbiter to recover the ordinary signature of the signer from the verifiable cryptographic signature. In this paper, using the fixed dimensional lattice-based delegation technique proposed by Agrawal et al on Mimi 2010, the primordial image sampling algorithm on lattice and the proof of non-interactive zero knowledge of error learning problem, a new scheme of verifiably cryptographic signature on lattice is constructed in this paper. The safety of the model is proved strictly under the model of random prophecy. Compared with the existing verifiable cryptographic signature schemes, the scheme requires the signer to generate the signer's public and private key pairs according to the arbiter's public key, which is simple in construction, shorter in size and efficient in the public and private keys, and can resist quantum attacks.
【作者单位】: 综合业务网理论与关键技术国家重点实验室(西安电子科技大学);
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