[Abstract]:Thanks to the rapid development of smart phones with multiple sensors, track data representing the user's movement process are conveniently recorded (GPS,GSM network,WiFi et al.). These data, which contain user location information, provide a new opportunity to understand the user's travel intentions, movement patterns and behavior patterns. In recent years, there are more and more research results of discovering user behavior rules through user trajectory data. However, it is very easy to mine all kinds of sensitive information through data mining and other technical means. This raises concerns about privacy leaks. Based on the mobile path abstracted from the mobile phone WiFi scanning list, this paper makes an in-depth study on the mobile law of the mobile user. The goal is to mine the user's life pattern on the basis of protecting the user's privacy. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: 1) A graph model is proposed to represent the mobility of the user. The location of the user is obtained by clustering the WiFi scan list. Then the mobile map is constructed based on the user's local-to-place locus. 2) on the user's mobile map, on the one hand, based on the user's frequent locus, the mobile mode of the user group is discovered. On the other hand, a clustering centroid superposition method based on location time feature is designed to identify the home and work place of all users. By analyzing the behavior of the user at home and at work, we can understand the law of the user's working and rest.
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