[Abstract]:Information technology has become the most widely used and most popular modern tool. In the field of education, with its unique characteristics and advantages, information technology has become an auxiliary tool for the universal application of modern teaching. However, due to the particularity of music course teaching, information technology is applied to different understanding of music education. Therefore, the application of information technology in music teaching is worth studying. Compared with the traditional musical education concept, it is the demand of music education work to use different educational methods to get a good music course. Therefore, the application of information technology into music teaching and the goal and effect of music teaching are complementary to each other. Therefore, the promotion and application of information technology in junior high school music teaching will have a certain impact on the new goal of junior high school music curriculum and the cultivation of music talents. This paper will study the application of information technology in music teaching. This article uses the literature research method: collects the information technology in the music teaching research method and the correlation theory material, carries on the synthesis analysis, seeks the theory and the practice innovation; The action research method: through the analysis and research of the music teaching classroom teaching situation, and in the practice research process revision and consummation, in order to enhance the information technology teaching validity; Case analysis: through the real record, analysis and research of the puzzles encountered in the music teaching practice, we can find out the law or the root of the problem, and then find the solution to the problem. The first part is the introduction. Understanding the application background of information technology in traditional teaching at home and abroad, the research direction of thesis writing is clear. The second part of the related concepts and theoretical basis. This paper mainly states the concept of information technology, the concept of music teaching, the theory of learning, the theory of constructivism and the theory of multiple intelligences, and generalizes the inevitability of the integration of information technology and music curriculum in junior high school. The third part analyzes the integration of information technology in junior high school music teaching. The present situation of the application of information technology in music teaching in junior high school was analyzed and studied from the following four modules: music appreciation, Music singing, Music Dance and Music creation. The fourth part of the application of information technology in junior high school music classroom teaching cases. The main contents include: music appreciation, Music singing, Music Dance and Music creation. The current situation of the application of information technology in the four modules is summarized, and some application strategies are put forward, starting from the actual music teaching curriculum. This paper applies information technology to classroom teaching, carries on case analysis, and carries out practical research on information technology in junior high school music teaching. The fifth part is based on the information technology-based junior high school music classroom teaching method. The music teaching mode, teaching idea and innovative teaching mode based on constructivism theory can give full play to the advantages of information technology, improve students' artistic literacy, and expand the application of information technology in music classroom teaching in junior high school. The sixth part is the conclusion. Through the research, it is necessary and important to realize the integration of information technology and music curriculum. The organic combination of information technology and music course content is a new way to complete the course teaching together. According to the students' reality and the characteristics of the subject, the relevant teaching methods of the integration of information technology and music teaching are formed. Make it in the junior high school music teaching to give full play to the effectiveness of the role.
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