[Abstract]:As the focus and difficulty of situational awareness, target clustering is an important basis to determine the relationship between target entities and the basis of the later data fusion system. In this paper, the algorithm of target clustering is studied, and the improvement and realization of the algorithm are given. The main work of this paper is as follows: firstly, on the basis of in-depth analysis of the relationship among data fusion, situation assessment and situational awareness according to hierarchical structure, this paper points out the key and difficult problems of target clustering in situational awareness. The existing target clustering methods are studied, and the hierarchical clustering algorithm, which is one of the target clustering algorithms, is analyzed. Secondly, the characteristics and functions of classical hierarchical clustering algorithm are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of Rock algorithm, Cure algorithm and Chameleon algorithm in similarity calculation are analyzed. The Chameleon algorithm, which has obvious advantages in similarity calculation, is analyzed. The basic concept, mathematical model and implementation flow are studied in detail. The limitations of Chameleon algorithm are found through theoretical analysis and simulation experiments. Finally, starting with the limitation of the Chameleon algorithm, according to the two-stage flow of the algorithm, the DPC algorithm based on the peak density is introduced into the first stage of the Chameleon algorithm, and the discipline of community structure is introduced into the second stage of the Chameleon algorithm, and the two stages of the algorithm are improved. An improved Chameleon algorithm is proposed to solve the problem of target clustering. For the improved Chameleon algorithm, the algorithm model and algorithm flow are introduced in detail, and the specific simulation experiments are given. Experimental results show that the improved Chameleon algorithm is less sensitive to input parameters than the traditional Chameleon algorithm and can deal with multi-shape data sets.
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