[Abstract]:Image processing aims to highlight some details in the image for visual observation and computer analysis. Under the condition of haze, the visibility of outdoor images is restricted and the contrast of the images is decreased due to the action of atmospheric particles. In order to solve the problem of image quality degradation, most of the current processing schemes are based on image enhancement and image restoration de-fog algorithm, image enhancement algorithm by improving the contrast of the image to achieve clarity effect; Based on the foggy image imaging model, the atmospheric scattering mechanism is modeled to restore the possible clear image without fog. Based on the fog image formation model and degradation mechanism, this paper explores the key techniques and implementation methods of image de-fogging, and gives the prior statistical evidence of dark channel and the improved non-local de-fogging algorithm. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) the dark channel priori is a statistical rule based on the clear outdoor fog-free images, that is, there are at least one pixel with low intensity of color channel in the non-sky region of most outdoor fog-free images. In this paper, we assume that the three channels are independent of each other, and the scene points are independent with other pixel points in the field. The RGB value of the color fog free image is considered as a statistical variable. Assuming that these three variables are all subject to the Beta distribution, the density function and distribution function of the variables are given after the minimum filtering of two times (the RGB three-channel is small, then the RGB is small in a neighborhood). In order to verify the validity of dark channel priori. (2) the existing image de-fogging methods can be divided into local and non-local categories according to the different prior information used. Berman et al., based on the non-local clustering characteristics of clear images in RGB space, The geometric representation of a fog line (Haze-Line) for each color class of a fog image is constructed. The maximum radiative coordinates of the fog line (LRC:Largest Radial Coordinate) are the key to estimate the initial transmittance. In this paper, an unbiased estimate of LRC is given from the point of view of statistics. The experimental results show that the proposed method can obtain at least the same results as the original method.
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