[Abstract]:The development of Shanghai Pudong Power supply Company Electric Power Management system is based on the need to enhance the power supply marketing management ability, to achieve refined service and market-oriented operation to build a business support tool. Based on the scientific theory and technology of software engineering, this paper focuses on the following work. Starting from the problems that need to be solved in the company's comprehensive electricity business management at the present stage, this paper analyzes and determines the main functions of the system, and then from the perspective of the business personnel and the electricity price marketing manager user, The specific tasks and data processing requirements of each function are analyzed, and the use case model is established, which completes the main work of requirement analysis. Based on the information platform construction principles and specific functional requirements of the power supply company, the software architecture of the electric power management information system is established. Based on this framework, this paper discusses the main contents of the detailed design for the main modules, such as business expense processing, electricity charge account processing, software object and database, and gives the description of the database table and the calculation flow of typical tasks. From the point of view of programming and testing, this paper expounds the program realization of the electric power management system of Pudong Power supply Company, describes the typical program examples and output information examples of each module, and briefly summarizes the testing method of the software. The software is implemented by Java/J2EE and the database is Oracle. The application shows that the system improves the accuracy and completeness of electricity transaction and achieves the expected goal.
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