[Abstract]:This paper investigates the commonly used recommendation algorithms in the current recommendation system, and finds that most of the current recommendation systems use the method based on score prediction. The method based on score prediction values the importance of accurate prediction. Therefore, this paper proposes a learning method based on ranking to establish a recommendation model. The main research contents of this paper are as follows: 1. Three kinds of LTR (Learning To Rank) algorithms, including Pointwise,Pairwise and List-wise, are migrated to the recommended task, and the model is established. Some improvements based on the sort model are proposed. The system adopts the learning of "sample to sort" to establish the recommendation model, and adds zero sample sampling to improve the training effect. 2. Modeling of unstructured text. A method based on word vector and artificial definition dimension is proposed to build text model. 3. Fusion of scoring model and comment text model. After establishing the model of user rating and user comment, this paper proposes a method to combine the two models of rating and comment. Combined with text modeling and sorting model, the recommended results are more interpretable.
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