[Abstract]:In recent years, the demand for skilled workers in China has increased greatly and the shortage of reserves has resulted in a shortage of skilled workers. At the same time, many graduates of vocational and technical colleges are faced with the plight of difficult employment, which is due to the lack of effective practical process in the process of students' study in school, which leads to the disconnection with the social needs. These two problems have become the bottleneck of the development of the national manufacturing industry. Therefore, it is very necessary to establish a good management platform for students' practice and to train and reserve the pool of skilled workers. Based on the theory of social network and the development technology of mobile Internet, this paper designs and implements an interactive working-learning service platform, and then constructs an O2O mobile application for mechanic services. The interface design of the working-learning interactive service platform strictly follows the RESTful API design theory and solves the problem of cross-platform data interaction in mobile Internet applications. In addition, based on graph database Neo4j, this paper realizes the function of N degree network search and recommendation. After a period of trial operation, the interactive service platform solves the problems of school management in the process of student practice, strengthens the communication and interaction in the process of practice, and helps students to adapt to the needs of society and integrate into the society as soon as possible.
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