[Abstract]:[objective] to recommend potential similar users to users by using user tags and relational networks. [methods] by exploring the long-term and short-term interest characteristics of users represented by relational networks in socialized labeling system, According to the user label and the relation of concern, the user clustering model is constructed by using multi-dimension scale method. According to the result of user clustering, similar user recommendation is made, and "Weibo" is taken as an example to demonstrate the model. [results] the experimental results show that: The user clustering model based on label and relational network can effectively combine the long-and short-term interest characteristics of users, mining potential similar users, clustering and recommendation effect is better. [limited] sample data set has limitations. The user interest domain can not be completely covered, and the accuracy and validity of the model can be verified from only one domain. [conclusion] by mining the long-term and short-term interest of users through user tags and relational networks, The user recommendation model based on user static label and dynamic relation network can improve the effect of personalized user recommendation.
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学信息管理学院;
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