[Abstract]:With the development of the Internet, the data grows explosively. The popularity of social networks, the Internet of things and in-vehicle networks makes unstructured, semi-structured data more and more important in data centers. Big data technology emerges as the times require, develops rapidly, deeply affects the pattern of Internet industry, is another tide of information revolution. The typical representative of big data technology is Hadoop open source framework, a variety of companies, open source teams, research institutions are very active in the expansion of Hadoop research, launched a lot of support batch processing, stream processing, real-time processing big data platform. This paper describes the design principle of big data real-time query platform, especially describes the memory optimization scheme based on Mem cached. Aiming at the hot spot problem and single point failure problem of Memcached, the system analysis is carried out, and the dynamic adjustment strategy based on hot spot is put forward. The research results of this paper have important theoretical and practical values. Theoretically, the problem of load imbalance caused by hot spots is widespread in distributed systems. For example, in cloud computing systems, it is necessary to consider whether the CPU and memory utilization of each node is balanced. The hot-spot-based dynamic adjustment strategy proposed in this paper is of academic reference value for the optimization of distributed systems. In practice, the implementation of this strategy has successfully accelerated the query processing speed of big data platform, and proved that the strategy has practical reference value for building an efficient big data platform.
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