[Abstract]:With the popularity of online consultation platform, people gradually accumulate a large number of consultation data. How to extract more useful medical and health information from these data accurately, and then form a structured knowledge base for future generations to use, is a problem that people face. Information extraction is the core technology to solve the problem of data extraction, which realizes the extraction of structured data from disorganized text. This topic is devoted to the research of the automatic construction method of health knowledge base, the purpose of which is to automatically obtain the health consultation data on the network, and extract the information such as disease symptoms, treatment plan, needed examination and so on from these unstructured consultation contents. Form a structured health knowledge base. The information extraction algorithm based on ontology is used to extract the information from the consultation dialogue, and the results are stored structurally. In this paper, a directional crawler system oriented to the field of consultation is implemented, the data used in the experiment are collected, the obtained data are analyzed and marked, and the domain ontology of consultation is constructed by using the three-tier ontology framework. The concepts and relationships in the consultation dialogue are defined in detail and filled with examples. This paper also proposes a rule generation algorithm based on keywords and association rules, and an ontology-based extraction algorithm. Firstly, keywords are extracted from tagged samples, and then their association relationship generation pattern matching rules are excavated. Then the extraction order and scope of different concepts are determined by analyzing the relationship between different concepts, and the sentences are classified and extracted according to ontology examples. Among them, the logarithmic likelihood ratio algorithm based on feature is used to extract concept keywords, which further reduces the influence of high frequency non-feature words compared with the original logarithmic likelihood ratio algorithm. In this paper, a FP-growth algorithm based on keyword position attribute search frequent itemsets is proposed, which filters out the extraction rules formed by keyword conflicts and improves the reliability of the trained rules. The order of extraction is determined by the logical relationship of different concepts in ontology model, and the accuracy of extraction algorithm is improved by classifying sentences through ontology examples. Through comparative experiments, it is verified that the improved algorithms proposed in this paper have achieved good extraction results, and can realize the extraction of health knowledge in consultation dialogue. Finally, based on the above research theory, an automatic construction system of consultation health knowledge base is designed and implemented.
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