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发布时间:2019-06-14 00:59
[Abstract]:With the communication industry entering the era of mobile Internet, different from the traditional Internet, users' perception of mobile Internet is limited by access devices, that is, mobile terminals. A good mobile terminal can greatly improve users' perception of the use of the mobile Internet, which is conducive to the promotion of the development of data services on the mobile Internet. All operators in the communication industry have given strategic attention to the mobile terminals used by users. How to establish the identification system of mobile terminal and apply it commercially has become a hot direction in the research and development of mobile Internet terminal software products. Based on this background, this paper studies the stock management of mobile communication terminal customers, and establishes the model of mobile communication terminal customer stock management by using big data's method. In this paper, the principle and application of big data are briefly introduced. Secondly, the establishment method of mobile terminal operation target recognition model is given, including the establishment flow of the model, the data input of the model, the customer identification model, the potential customer identification model and so on. Thirdly, the potential and stock customer mining model is analyzed and calculated, and the recommended customer preference content, recommended hot content or terminal adaptation content, external service support, external platform interactive standardization process management and other issues are studied. Finally, the identification model of potential changing customer is designed, including the requirement analysis of potential changing customer, the model input, modeling flow and model output of the system, and the model algorithm is given and the effect is evaluated.


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