[Abstract]:The conventional feature-keeping point cloud thin method needs to calculate the differential information of all the point clouds, but the differential information of the high-density or noise-containing cloud is directly calculated to have a certain deviation, leading to a poor point cloud thin effect. A method of point cloud simplification based on grid dynamic division is presented. the method comprises the following steps of: firstly, carrying out space grid initial division on the model, and removing the interference points in the grid by using a random sampling consistency algorithm, then carrying out plane quasi-combination calculation on the flatness value by using the least square method, and judging whether the grid is subdivided according to the flatness value, Press the flat area into the large space grid, and the feature rich area is divided into the small grid. Aiming at the point in the small grid, the Gaussian function is introduced to reduce the weight of the distance point to the feature recognition contribution, the integrated surface variation degree and the neighborhood method vector included angle information are commonly identified and reserved, and the points in the large grid adopt different sampling rate samples according to the grid spacing size. The experimental results show that the method can better keep the fine features of the model and avoid the occurrence of the holes, and the maximum deviation of the model is 1.502 mm, which is far less than the other three methods. With the increase of the intensity of the noise, In this paper, the thin error of the method is relatively small and the variation is smooth. Under the noise of 35 dB, the mean deviation is only 40% of the random noise method and the grid method, and the curvature reduction method is 50%.
【作者单位】: 南昌大学机电工程学院;
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