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Design and Development of VR Project Named BianHe Offered Hi

发布时间:2022-08-13 10:29
  本文主要是以楚国文化为背景,论述了基于unity 3D的“卞和献玉”VR项目设计开发的研究与实现。此项目以发生在楚国时期的“卞和献璧”的故事为基础进行改编和设计。这个游戏主要有三个游戏角色,分别为楚王、让卞和凿石献玉的楚国大臣和卞和,其余均为根据场景效果需要设置的侍卫、宫人和臣子人物模型。玩家是以卞和这个游戏人物的视角进行游戏。随着时间的推移,虚拟现实(VR)交互技术以难以想象的魔力正一步步参与到我们的日常生活的各个方面中并迅速衍生了广泛的应用,例如VR看房、VR购物、VR旅游等VR应用在生活的各方面为我们提供了新的体验。而VR技术的研究在商业应用和娱乐方面更是为人们带来了新的感受。德尼狄德罗认为舞台除了实际的三面墙外,还有一面虚拟的墙。当演员和观众通过互动让观众感受到他们的感受,看到他们所想展示给观众看到的,第四面墙就打破了。而VR也扮演着打破虚拟之墙的角色,它努力地增强着用户的代入感,不断打薄拆卸着“第四面墙”。VR是继互联网之后一种全新的信息传递方式,一旦画面交互同步匹配,所创建的虚拟场景便如同现实一般。VR,在虚拟现实代入感上有着绝对优势。它能让用户活在虚拟世界,却体会着现实的... 

【文章页数】:61 页


1 Introduction
    1.1 Project Research Background and Research Significance
    1.2 Research status
    1.3 Innovation points
    1.4 Contents and overall structure of the paper
2 Outline Design
    2.1 Game Background
    2.2 Design Tasks
    2.3 Design Scheme
        2.3.1 Design Ideas
        2.3.2 Scheme Selection
    2.4 Development Tools
        2.4.1 Visual studio 2017
        2.4.2 C#(C sharp)Scripts
        2.4.3 3D Studio Max
        2.4.4 Photoshop
3 The overall design of the game
    3.1 Game Framework
    3.2 Design of Game Hierarchy Structure
    3.3 Global Control Unit
    3.4 Basic Functional Control
    3.5 Physical System of Game
    3.6 Game Script Control System
4 Detailed Design of Game and Implementation of Key Technologies
    4.1 Realization of Graphic Rendering in Game
    4.2 Implementation of Interface Jump
    4.3 Realization of Interaction and Function Development of Vive Handle
    4.4 Implementation of script class
    4.5 Implementation of prompt box pop-up
    4.6 The Realization of the Function of Picking the Sword and the Jade
    4.7 Implementation of Collision Detection Function
    4.8 Realization of stone fragmentation effect
5 System testing, debugging and optimization
    5.1 System Testing
    5.2 Software debugging
    5.3 Debugging scripts
    5.4 Optimization plan
        5.4.1 script optimization
        5.4.2 Rendering Optimization
        5.4.3 Particle System Optimization
        5.4.4 Lighting optimization
        5.4.5 Optimization of GC
6 Summary and Prospect
Appendix A 摘要




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