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发布时间:2018-01-10 05:08

  本文关键词:基于绿色基础设施理论的平原村镇绿地系统规划研究 出处:《北京林业大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 绿色基础设施 村镇 平原村镇 绿地系统规划 方法体系

【摘要】:当前,快速的的城镇化发展对村镇土地空间和自然资源需求的增长与村镇有限的土地资源和自然环境承载力之间的矛盾日益突出。村镇绿地系统规划作为村镇发展建设工作的重要环环节,协调着村镇和自然,并服务于人类,保障着村镇的健康发展,其合理性和科学性将直接影响到我国村镇社会建设和经济发展的质量。目前我国村镇绿地系统规划理论和方法相对滞后,大多沿用传统的城市绿地系统规划理论和方法,与我国村镇实际需要严得脱节,亟需一套能够基于我国村镇现状,解决村镇实际问题的绿地系统规划理论和方法。绿色基础设施理论作为一项强调土地最优化利用和功能效益最大化的规划理论,可以对绿地系统规划实践给予有益的指导,在我国村镇绿地系统规划中的应用前景广阔。为此,木研究聚焦于我国平原村镇绿地,对现行绿地系统规划中的问题进行了多方面的深入总结,并通过引入绿色基础设施理论,力图建立能够符合现今我国平原村镇发展需求的规划方法体系,从规划技术角度解决平原村镇绿地发展中的现实问题,为我国村镇建设和城乡一体化发展提供一个科学而合理的参考。本研究主要成果如下: 1)定义了村镇绿地的范畴,认为其应包含村镇体系下各个居民点(一般建制镇、乡村集镇和村)建设用地内的绿地和村镇空问即镇(乡)域以内,各居民点建设用地以外的绿地。结合村镇体系的两级空间层级:镇(乡)域和村镇居民点,将村镇绿地系统规划内容分为:村镇体系绿地系统规划、镇区绿地系统总体规划、镇区绿地控制性详细规划、镇区绿地修建性详细规划和村庄绿地建设规划。 2)提出了通过绿色基础设施网络建设,重建村镇自然系统与村镇发展的共轭关系是绿色基础设施理论与我国平原村镇绿地系统规划融合的核心。并以此构建基于绿色基础设施理论的平原村镇绿地系统规划方法体系框架。 3)在村镇绿地分类层面上,遵循“绿色基础设施网络要素与村镇绿地功能纵横联合”的分类思路,提出了基于绿色基础设施理论的村镇绿地的三级分类体系。既融合了绿色基础设施理论连接性、尺度协调性和功能复合性等先进理念,又能与我国村镇实际有较为紧密的结合。 4)在村镇绿地系统布局层面上,明确了以“村镇基础设施转变绿色网络结构”为导向的绿地布局思路,提出基于“村镇绿地适宜性评价”的绿地布局方法,并积极与村镇其他规划相协调和衔接,,最终构建一个以展现村镇绿地功能的多样化和土地利用的最优化为目的的绿色网络结构。 5)在村镇绿地系统指标评价层面上,提出了建立基于“绿色基础设施网络连接度”的村镇绿地系统规划指标评价途径,科学地丰富了我国村镇绿地系统规划的评估体系。 6)在村镇绿地系统规划程序层面上,进一步完善我国村镇绿地系统规划的程序:在整体程序上融入“评价机制”和“公众参与机制”,并有针对性地对规划前期调研、后期规划成果收集进行补充完善,而在规划编制程序上则加入绿色基础设施理论下新的绿地系统规划方法内容
[Abstract]:This paper focuses on the planning theory and method of village and town planning in our country . It also needs a set of planning theories and methods which can be based on the present situation of village and town planning . 1 ) The scope of village green space is defined , and it is considered that it should include the green land in the construction land of the village and town system ( general construction town , village town and village ) and the green land outside the construction land of each residential area . The planning contents of the green space system in the village and town are divided into three levels : village and town system green space system planning , town green space system master plan , town green land control detailed planning , town green space construction detailed planning and village green land construction planning . 2 ) Based on the green infrastructure theory , the planning method and system framework of the green space system of the plain village is constructed . 3 ) At the green land classification level of the village and town , the three - level classification system of village and town green land based on green infrastructure theory is put forward , which combines the advanced concepts such as green infrastructure theory connectivity , scale coordination and functional composite , and can be combined with the actual villages and towns in China . 4 ) At the layout level of the village green space system , the green space layout method based on the " village and town infrastructure transformation green network structure " is defined , and the green space layout method based on the " village green land suitability evaluation " is put forward , and coordination and cohesion are actively engaged with other planning phases of the village and town , and finally , a green network structure is constructed to show the diversification of the green land function of the village and the optimization of land use . 5 ) At the level of village green space system index evaluation , this paper puts forward an evaluation method of village green space system planning index based on " green infrastructure network connectivity " , which scientifically enriches the evaluation system of village green space system planning in China . 6 ) At the level of the planning procedure of the green space system in the village and town , further improve the planning procedure of the village and town green space system in our country : integrate the evaluation mechanism and the public participation mechanism on the whole procedure , and complement the planning preliminary investigation and the later planning result collection , and add the new green space system planning method under the green infrastructure theory on the planning and programming process .



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