发布时间:2018-01-25 23:28
本文关键词: 景观空间序列 视知觉原理 整体性 知觉组织律 异质同构 出处:《南京林业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:公园景观空间序列是关乎城市公园设计的整体性和全局性的问题,能否符合游人的感知规律和心理需求是判断序列组织成功与否的杠杆,视知觉原理是研究人类感知外界环境的方式和过程的理论,基于视知觉原理的序列研究具有必要性。 一些设计师在组织序列时,常会不自觉地运用该原理,但这种运用并不广泛和系统,研究的目的之一就是通过对这些应用范例的挖掘,唤起人们对视知觉原理应用于景观设计的意义的重视,,并试图基于此总结出序列组织的原则和手法。 本文运用了多种研究方法,前期通过资料搜集对相关理论进行研究和梳理,以多学科交叉法从视知觉原理与相关领域的结合中找寻适合本研究的思路与方法,又通过资料搜集和实地调研法挖掘视知觉原理用于序列组织的实例,最终归纳出一般结论。 视知觉原理主要包含三大理论成果——整体性原则、知觉组织律、异质同构论。本文以此为突破口,分别探讨了其与序列组织间的联系:整体性强调序列整体性营造的意义;笔者通过实例的选取,在论证序列的时空组织中运用知觉组织律的可能性的同时,也将符合知觉组织律上升到原则的高度;序列要想打动游人就需要与人的内心世界实现“同构”,笔者借助相关艺术的叙事手法为序列的意境组织提供了思路,也将心物同构作为序列组织遵循的原则之一。 笔者以方塔园为例,结合前文的研究成果,打破传统的公园景观空间序列组织思路,从视知觉原理的角度提出了序列组织的原则和手法。
[Abstract]:The park landscape space series is a question about the integrity and the global nature of the design of the city park . It is necessary to determine whether the sequence organization is successful or not according to the perception law and the psychological demand of the tourists . The visual perception principle is the theory of the way and process of the human perception of the external environment , and the sequence study based on the visual perception principle is necessary . Some designers often do not consciously use the principle in organizing sequences , but one of the purposes of this application is not extensive and systematic . One of the purposes of research is to arouse people ' s attention to the meaning of visual design through the excavation of these application examples , and try to summarize the principles and techniques of sequence organization based on this . In this paper , a variety of research methods are used in this paper , and the relevant theories are studied and combed through data collection , and the thinking and method suitable for the study are found from the combination of the principle of visual perception and the related fields by the multi - disciplinary crossover method . The principle of visual perception consists of three major theoretical achievements _ integrity principle , perception organization law and heterogeneous homogeneous theory . This paper probes into the relationship between sequence organization and sequence organization . Taking Fangtanyuan as an example , the author combines the previous research results , breaks the traditional idea of spatial sequence organization of park landscape , and puts forward the principles and techniques of sequence organization from the perspective of visual perception principle .
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