本文选题:巴渝 切入点:道教建筑 出处:《重庆大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:道教作为我国本土宗教,数千年来与中国传统文化紧密联系。而道教建筑作为道教文化重要的物质载体,蕴含了深刻的历史文化信息。道教建筑在经历了从简陋的茅屋到恢宏的宫观,其演变、形成、至成熟映射出道教的宗教理念与文化内涵,,也反映出社会因素、文化因素等对道教发展的影响与渗透。巴渝地区成为中国道教的早期发祥地之一,有其深厚的历史文化背景,为道教文化的传播提供了孕育的沃土。巴渝道教发展始于东汉时期蜀地五米斗教的传入及相应天师道场的设立。巴渝道教建筑无论在选址与布局,还是空间结构上都充分显示了独特的艺术价值。因此,对于巴渝道教建筑的研究分析有着重要的历史意义和文化意义。 本论文以巴渝道教建筑为研究对象,结合相关史志文献及实地调研,对巴渝地区道教发展沿革、历史建置及分布进行初步的梳理和统计;以道教建筑发展起源与道教神仙思想为主线,对现存道教建筑的分布情况、选址类型、建筑形制、空间特征、构造技术进行较为系统的研究,发掘巴渝地区道教建筑的地域性特征,最终形成对巴渝道教建筑一个清晰完整的认识和总结。 1论文从道教缘起,道教建筑发展历程背景出发,追溯了道教建筑的产生与演变历程。分析巴渝道教诞生的历史文化源流、总结出巴渝道教发展沿革及影响因素,探析巴渝道教文化在发展过程中与地方文化、其他宗教文化的相互影响及对传统文化乃至现实生活的意义。 2论文以相关文献资料统计梳理了巴渝道教建筑的发展与分布,结合实地调研案例总结巴渝道教建筑选址类型及其背后的地理条件、宗教理念、道教发展历程和传统的风水思想方面的影响因素。 3从地理因素、文化因素两个方面分析了巴渝道教建筑平面布局的形成原因,得出巴渝道教建筑平面布局不拘而灵活的特色。以道教与巴渝两个关键词出发,分析巴渝道教建筑的空间特征,区别于其他宗教建筑艺术的处理手法;从巴渝地区性因素的角度,分析巴渝道教在结合自然山地环境的处理中的空间形态、序列关系、视线变换及与环境的融合。 4从建筑形态出发分析巴渝道教建筑类型,总结巴渝道教建筑特征。从建筑建构技术分析巴渝道教建筑构架、平面、屋顶及细部技术,总结其地域性特征,最后就其建筑装饰探析道教文化内容。
[Abstract]:As a native religion in China, Taoism has been closely related to Chinese traditional culture for thousands of years. Taoist architecture is an important material carrier of Taoist culture. It contains profound historical and cultural information. Taoist architecture has experienced from a simple hut to a grand palace, and its evolution, formation and maturity reflect Taoist religious ideas and cultural connotations, as well as social factors. The influence and infiltration of cultural factors on the development of Taoism. The Bayu area became one of the early birthplaces of Chinese Taoism, with its profound historical and cultural background. The development of Bayu Taoism began with the introduction of the Wumeitou religion in the Shuti area in the Eastern Han Dynasty and the establishment of the corresponding Tianshi Taoist Daoist Center. The Taoist architecture in Bayu was located and distributed. Therefore, the study and analysis of Taoist architecture in Bayu is of great historical and cultural significance. This paper takes Bao-Yu Taoist architecture as the research object, combines the related historical documents and field investigation, carries on the preliminary combing and the statistics to the development history, the historical establishment and the distribution of Taoism in the Bao-Yu area; Taking the origin of Taoist architecture development and Taoist immortals thought as the main line, this paper makes a systematic study on the distribution, location type, architectural form, spatial characteristics and construction technology of the existing Taoist architecture. To explore the regional characteristics of Taoist architecture in Bao-Yu area and finally form a clear and complete understanding and summary of Taoist architecture in Bao-Yu area. 1. From the origin of Taoism and the background of the development of Taoist architecture, this paper traces the emergence and evolution of Taoist architecture, analyzes the historical and cultural origin of the birth of Bayu Taoism, and summarizes the evolution of Bayu Taoism and its influencing factors. This paper probes into the interaction between the Taoist culture of Bayu and the local culture and other religious cultures and its significance to the traditional culture and even the real life. (2) the paper combs the development and distribution of Taoist architecture in Bayu with the relevant literature, summarizes the location types of Taoist buildings and the geographical conditions behind them, and the religious ideas, combining with the field investigation cases. The development course of Taoism and the influence factors of the traditional geomantic thought. (3) analyzing the forming reasons of the plane layout of Bayu Taoist architecture from two aspects of geographical factors and cultural factors, and drawing the conclusion that the plane layout of Bao-Yu Taoist architecture is informal and flexible, starting from the two key words of Taoism and Bayu. This paper analyzes the spatial characteristics of Taoist architecture in Bayu, which is different from other religious architectural arts, and analyzes the spatial form and sequential relationship of Taoism in combination with the natural mountain environment from the perspective of regional factors in Bao-Yu. Change of sight and fusion with environment. (4) analyzing the types of Taoist architecture in Bayu, summarizing the characteristics of Taoist architecture in Bayu, analyzing the structure, plane, roof and detail of Taoist architecture from the architectural construction technology, and summing up the regional characteristics. At last, it analyzes the content of Taoist culture on its architectural decoration.
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