本文选题:基础设施 切入点:低冲击开发模式 出处:《天津大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:近几年来我国多个城市连续遭遇了特大暴雨袭击,约2/3的国土面积正日益遭受不同类型和危害程度的洪涝灾害影响;但同时我国城市发展又普遍面临水资源短缺、干旱灾害频发和地下漏斗扩大的困扰,600座城市中约400座城市面临缺水问题,出现了日益严重的洪涝灾害频发与水资源紧缺并存的矛盾冲突。在这一背景下,学术界开始反思传统雨水基础设施规划中提高重现期以及增大雨水管径以期实现快速排放的雨水资源规划方法,并基本达成了工业化割裂了雨水微循环模式从而引发洪涝与缺水并存的共识。国内外据此展开了雨水资源化和雨洪利用的大量研究,提出了可持续城市排水、低冲击开发模式等相关理论,并建设了一批示范工程,雨水管理正在经历由雨水疏浚到雨水利用的过渡阶段。然而,我国目前采用的雨水基础设施规划方法并没有将这些先进的雨水利用技术结合进来统一考虑,雨水基础设施规划的雨洪排放、雨水回用的雨洪削减与景观水体的雨洪蓄滞处于各自分离状态,缺乏纳入统一系统进行协调规划的研究。 为此,本文首先基于微循环理念提出构建统一的雨水生态系统的规划思路,建立起一套微循环理念下的城市水资源规划方法。这一系统综合了雨水基础设施的排水功能、雨水回用设施的雨水利用功能、地下水补充的生态修复功能及城市防洪设施的减灾功能,是融合了环境、生态、可持续发展的雨水设计策略。与单独的雨水基础设施规划仅解决城市防洪排涝相比,雨水生态系统更强调将雨水作为一种系统资源进行循环利用的概念,能够综合解决水源短缺、水系污染、防洪减灾、生态环境恶化、地下水补充等多种城市问题。 其次,本文对雨水生态系统进行了架构,提出应由集流系统、径流系统、渗流系统、储流系统、蓄流系统和净流系统六个子系统要素构成,并对各个子系统的计算方法进行了梳理。其中:集流系统将屋面、铺装、植被和水体四种集雨面上降落的雨水汇集起来,提倡由屋顶花园代替防水屋面、由渗透铺装代替不透水硬质铺装、由凹式绿地代替传统花池型绿地并使水体增加调蓄容积;径流系统将集雨面汇集起来雨水通过植被浅沟等设施进行渗透与输送;汇集后的雨水通过雨水花园、渗透管沟、渗滤井等渗流系统入渗地下以补充地下水源和蓄滞雨洪;同时通过雨水樽、雨水储存池等储流系统将雨水储存起来以供冲厕、洗车、灌溉等雨水回用;为实现雨洪的削峰、错峰目的可增加池塘、人工湖面等容量较大的蓄流系统将暴雨径流量蓄存起来延迟排放;如需要提高水质环境,可选择人工湿地、稳定塘等净流系统对雨水进行净化。本文对每一个子系统的设施类型选择、适用范围及其计算方法进行了总结。 再次,本文从宏观区域、中观城市、微观社区三个层面提出雨水生态系统的不同规划模式。其中:在宏观区域层面上,各干湿分区应根据不同的降雨量条件采用不同的雨水基础设施规划模式的策略,即:湿润区域城市雨水设施规划应以雨水调峰模式为主,半湿润区域城市雨水设施规划应采用雨水回用模式,而干旱半干旱区域城市雨水设施规划则应鼓励雨水入渗模式。各干湿分区应突出各自区域特色,不应该统一对待。并在此基础上初步构建三种模式各自的设施体系及设计流程。在中观城市层面上,契合城市绿地系统的规模体系构建由小到大的雨水花园、暴雨公园及湿地公园的层级式雨水生态系统,将雨水从源头开始蓄滞、渗透等微循环利用,逐层消纳重现期较高的降雨;同时通过控制性详细规划中径流系数的指标控制将整个城市的雨洪量由全局至局部分摊至各个建设地块,实现整个城市的雨洪控制目标。在微观社区层面上,将整个城市分为居住区和道路两个不同特点的区域,分别构建各自的雨水设施规划模式,并尝试提出居住区和道路雨水零排放的新理念,对其所需要的环境和设施条件进行了探讨。 基于以上研究,本文最后以河南省驻马店石庄新社区规划为案例对文中提出的雨水生态系统规划方法进行了实证研究。在石庄新社区规划中通过人车分流设计、竖向错层设计、庭院空间设计等设计理念的运用,实践了将规划、市政、景观进行同步统一考虑的雨水生态系统规划方法,构建了由小至大的庭院级雨水花园、组团级雨水花园和社区级雨水花园三个层次设施系统组成的石庄新社区雨水生态系统。然后运用本文总结的子系统计算方法对石庄新社区中采用的植被浅沟、雨水花园、雨水樽等低冲击开发设施的关键因素进行了实证验算,并从雨水管道覆盖面、雨水流程设置、雨水资源化程度、径流污染程度和社区洪峰强度五个方面与运用传统方法编制的雨水基础设施规划进行了比较分析,使雨水生态系统规划方法的优势得以验证。据此本文还以世界范围内广泛采用SWMM模型软件为平台,建构了石庄新社区中的居住庭院和停车庭院雨水生态系统模型,对其相关参数进行了设定,剖析了其流程和特点,,对模拟结果进行了评价分析,得出了一年一遇洪峰流量和径流总量可完全削减的结论,从而从模型模拟的角度实证了社区雨水生态系统的洪峰削减能力。
[Abstract]:In recent years , a number of cities in our country have been subjected to heavy rainstorm attacks , and about 2 / 3 of the land area is increasingly affected by different types and levels of floods ;
At the same time , the urban development of our country is confronted with the problem of water shortage , frequent occurrence of drought disaster and expansion of underground funnel . In this context , some 400 cities in 600 cities are faced with water shortage , and there is a common understanding between the frequent occurrence of flood disaster and the shortage of water resources .
In this paper , based on the micro - circulation theory , this paper puts forward the planning idea of constructing a unified rainwater ecosystem , and sets up a set of urban water resources planning method under the idea of micro - circulation . This system integrates the drainage function of the rainwater infrastructure , the rainwater utilization function of rainwater reuse facilities , the ecological restoration function of groundwater replenishment and the disaster reduction function of the urban flood control facility . It is a concept that the rainwater is used as a system resource for recycling . It can solve the problems of water shortage , water system pollution , flood control and disaster reduction , ecological environment deterioration , groundwater replenishment and other urban problems .
Secondly , this paper presents the structure of rainwater ecological system , and puts forward six sub - system elements of flow - collecting system , runoff system , seepage system , storage - flow system , flow - storage system and net - flow system , and sorts out the calculation methods of each subsystem .
the runoff system collects rainwater and collects rainwater to permeate and convey through facilities such as vegetation shallow ditches and the like ;
the collected rainwater is infiltrated into the underground through a seepage system such as a rainwater garden , a permeable pipe ditch , a percolation well and the like to supplement the underground water source and the accumulated rainwater flood ;
meanwhile , the rainwater is stored in a water storage system such as a rainwater bottle , a rainwater storage tank and the like to be used for rainwater reuse for flushing toilet , car washing , irrigation and the like ;
In order to realize the peak clipping of the rain flood , the purpose of the fault peak can increase the capacity of the pond , the artificial lake surface and the like with larger capacity , so that the heavy rain runoff can be stored and discharged late ;
In order to improve the water quality environment , the rainwater can be purified by the clean flow system such as artificial wetland and stable pond . The selection , application range and calculation method of facility type of each subsystem are summarized .
In this paper , different planning modes of rainwater ecosystem are put forward from three aspects of macro - area , meso - city and micro - community .
At the same time , through the index control of the runoff coefficient in the control detailed planning , the rain and flood volume of the whole city is distributed to various building blocks from the whole to the local area to realize the flood control goal of the whole city . At the micro - community level , the whole city is divided into two areas with different characteristics of the residential area and the road , and the respective rainwater facilities planning mode is constructed , and the new idea of zero emission of the residential area and the road rainwater is attempted to be put forward , and the environment and facilities conditions required are discussed .
Based on the above research , this paper makes an empirical study on the method of rainwater ecosystem planning , which is composed of three levels of urban rainwater gardens , rainwater gardens and rainwater bottles in Shizhuang New Community by using SWMM model software as a platform .
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