本文选题:多层住宅 + 钢框架结构 ; 参考:《重庆交通大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:近十来随着我国钢产量的迅猛增加,钢结构在工业与民用建筑中应用越来越广泛。然而,我国却也是一个地震多发国,,2008年汶川地震给我们带来深重的灾难,因此,深入地进行结构的抗震研究是摆在我们面前的重要课题。本文通过对钢结构性能的总体分析,借鉴国外钢结构体系工程实例,讨论了钢框架结构与钢筋混凝土框架结构住宅的抗震性能及其适应性。 本文在提出将钢框架结构体系用于建筑住宅的同时,主要建立了结构受力、变形、稳定性等抗力指标与抗震性能之间的相应关系,对比分析了钢框架结构和钢筋混凝土框架结构的抗震性能,且从造价方面给予经济性能评价,最后得出在抗震设防烈度为7度(0.1g)的条件下钢框架结构住宅抗震性能更高、经济性能更好的结论。 本文主要做了以下几方面工作: ①采用五层建筑住宅为研究对象。以对建筑功能的要求为基础,结合相关规范,并借鉴国内外发展实例,考虑结构平面布置时建筑对使用空间的要求,以及结构几何体型的合理性、建筑结构材料的种类、结构设计理论的差异、经济多方面的影响,建立了钢框架结构体系和钢筋混凝土框架结构体系。 ②确定结构设计参数。利用PKPM系列软件分别对钢框架结构和钢筋混凝土框架结构进行设计和验算,得出两种框架结构在内力、挠度、刚重比、剪重比、结构最大侧移、层间位移角、周期与振型等结构抗震性能方面的各种参数。 ③进一步利用PMSAP三维空间结构分析软件分别对钢框架结构和钢筋混凝土框架结构进行结构分析,得到的计算结果均在CQC计算值包络范围之内,从而得出正确的数值结果。 ④结合SATWE和PMSAP的计算结果,分别从楼层质量、内力、变形、地震反应力和结构动力性能对这两种结构进行抗震能力对比分析,得出钢框架结构自重明显小于钢筋混凝土框架结构,内力、变形、地震反应力和结构动力性能方面也优于钢筋混凝土框架结构的结论。 ⑤按照本地区目前的经济水平和相关定额,对两种框架结构做了简单的经济评价,得出钢框架结构造价略高于钢筋混凝土框架结构的结论。
[Abstract]:With the rapid increase of steel output in recent ten years, steel structures are widely used in industrial and civil buildings. However, China is also an earthquake-prone country. The Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 brought us a serious disaster. This paper discusses the seismic behavior and adaptability of steel frame structure and reinforced concrete frame structure residence through the overall analysis of the steel structure performance and the reference of foreign steel structure system engineering examples. In this paper, it is proposed that the steel frame structure system should be used in the building, and at the same time, the relationship between the resistance indexes of the structure such as force, deformation, stability and seismic performance is established. The aseismic performance of steel frame structure and reinforced concrete frame structure is compared and analyzed, and the economic performance is evaluated in terms of cost. Finally, it is concluded that the aseismic performance of steel frame structure residence is higher under the condition of seismic fortification intensity of 7 degrees or 0.1 g. The conclusion that economic performance is better. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. The five-story building house is used as the research object. Based on the requirement of building function, combining with relevant codes and referring to the development examples at home and abroad, the author considers the requirement of using space when the structure plane is arranged, the rationality of the structure geometry, the kind of building structure material. Because of the difference of structural design theory and the influence of economy, the steel frame structure system and the reinforced concrete frame structure system are established. 2 determine the structural design parameters. The steel frame structure and reinforced concrete frame structure are designed and checked by PKPM software respectively. The internal force, deflection, rigid-weight ratio, shear weight ratio, maximum lateral displacement and interstory displacement angle of the two frame structures are obtained. Various parameters of seismic performance of structures such as period and mode. (3) the structural analysis of steel frame structure and reinforced concrete frame structure is carried out by using PMSAP three-dimensional structure analysis software, and the calculated results are all within the envelope range of CQC calculation value, and the correct numerical results are obtained. (4) based on the results of SATWE and PMSAP, the seismic capacity of the two structures is compared and analyzed from the aspects of floor quality, internal force, deformation, seismic response force and structural dynamic performance, respectively. It is concluded that the self-weight of steel frame structure is obviously smaller than that of reinforced concrete frame structure, the internal force, deformation, seismic response force and structural dynamic performance are also better than that of reinforced concrete frame structure. 5According to the present economic level and relevant quota of the region, the paper makes a simple economic evaluation of the two kinds of frame structures, and draws the conclusion that the cost of steel frame structures is slightly higher than that of reinforced concrete frame structures.
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