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发布时间:2018-05-16 03:24

  本文选题:木构建筑 + 营造特征 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国幅员广阔,木构建筑结构因地制宜,形成了各个地区独具特色的地方做法。重庆位于西南地区,房屋建造形成了独特的地方做法体系,木结构的营造技术也颇具地方特色。明代建筑作为唐宋建筑与清代建筑之间的重要过渡,这一时期的建筑对于宋《营造法式》有继承和发扬,对于清《工部工程做法》又有着极大的推进作用。这些做法特征也不同程度的推动着地方建筑技术的发展。 本文以重庆地区现存的明代木构建筑为研究对象,通过现场调研及对文献资料的整理分析,探讨研究重庆明代木构建筑的营造特征。 巴蜀地区现存明代建筑非常稀少,已知的明代建筑约30余处。重庆地区约10余处,多分布在重庆市区周边地县,以寺庙为主。首先根据重庆市文物局公布的《重庆市文物保护单位名单》,对公布的十三座明代建筑进行现场调研和基础测绘,收集并查找文献资料,筛选出具有明代建筑特征的大式木构建筑十处,并从中选出六个典型实例进行详细的形式特征分析,以便较为深入的了解其营造特征。在此基础之上,对十处明代木构建筑进行定量、定性的分析,,分别对建筑的平面、立面、梁架、屋架、斗h1及大木构件的地方特征和时代特征进行了分析和研究。同时,本文通过实例分析,将重庆地区的明代木构建筑与北方明代官式建筑和四川地区元、明建筑进行对比研究,分析官式建筑的发展对重庆地方建筑的影响和相邻地区建筑发展的互动影响。 最后,总结出重庆地区明代遗存木构建筑所具有的较为普遍的营造特色,如平面柱网规整;抬梁式与穿斗式并用;斗h1多采用斜h1及挑斡做法,斗h1较纤细;立面仍保持疏朗开敞的形态,明间施平身科一朵至两朵,次间施平身科一朵或不施斗h1;屋顶做法将官式与地方做法结合,尤见转角出檐及侧立面出檐做法,等等。 重庆地处西南地区,距离北方政治中心较远,受官式作法影响也较小,地方作法对建筑风格、梁架结构、木构件尺寸等影响较大。因此,重庆明代木构建筑有相对独立的发展体系。
[Abstract]:China has a vast territory, wood structure and local conditions, forming a unique local practice in various regions. Chongqing is located in the southwest of China. The construction of houses forms a unique system of local practices, and the construction technology of wood structures is also of local characteristics. As an important transition between the architecture of Tang and Song Dynasty and the architecture of Qing Dynasty, the architecture of Ming Dynasty inherits and develops the French style of construction in Song Dynasty, and it plays a great role in promoting the practice of Ministry of Industry in Qing Dynasty. The characteristics of these practices also promote the development of local construction technology to varying degrees. This paper takes the existing wooden architecture of Ming Dynasty in Chongqing area as the research object, through the on-the-spot investigation and the analysis of the literature, discusses the construction characteristics of the Ming Dynasty wooden architecture in Chongqing. Bashu existing Ming Dynasty buildings are very rare, known Ming Dynasty buildings about 30. Chongqing area about 10 places, mostly distributed in Chongqing surrounding counties, mainly temples. First of all, according to the list of cultural relics conservation units published by Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Cultural relics, the 13 Ming Dynasty buildings published by the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Cultural relics were investigated on the spot and basic surveying and mapping were carried out, and documents were collected and searched. Ten large wooden structures with the characteristics of Ming Dynasty were selected, and six typical examples were selected for detailed formal analysis in order to understand the characteristics of construction in depth. On this basis, the quantitative and qualitative analysis of ten wooden structures in Ming Dynasty is carried out, and the local and age characteristics of the plane, facade, beam truss, roof truss, bucket H1 and large wooden members of the building are analyzed and studied respectively. At the same time, through the analysis of examples, this paper makes a comparative study of the Ming Dynasty wooden architecture in Chongqing area, the northern Ming Dynasty official architecture and the Yuan and Ming buildings in Sichuan. This paper analyzes the influence of the development of official buildings on the local buildings in Chongqing and the interactive influence of the development of buildings in adjacent areas. Finally, the author summarizes the common construction features of the remaining wooden structures in the Ming dynasty in Chongqing area, such as the arrangement of plane columnar network, the combination of lifting beam type and bucket type, the inclined H1 and the picking-up method of Dou H1, and the finer Dou H1; The facade is still sparsely open, one to two in the Ming Dynasty, and one or no in the next; the roof practice combines the official style with the local practice, especially the corner eaves and the side facade eaves, and so on. Chongqing is located in the southwest, far from the political center of the north, and less influenced by the official method. The local practices have a great influence on the architectural style, the structure of beam frame and the size of wood members. Therefore, Chongqing Ming Dynasty wooden architecture has a relatively independent development system.


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