本文选题:灌注桩 + 桩土界面 ; 参考:《东北大学》2013年硕士论文
[Abstract]:During the construction of cast-in-place pile, concrete cement slurry has obvious seepage phenomenon in the soil around the pile, which will have a certain influence on the pile-soil interface. In the present numerical simulation calculation, the influence of permeation on the pile-soil interface is not considered in most cases, so the actual bearing mechanism of the pile foundation is blurred by this treatment, which makes the calculation results not accurate enough. Although there has been some research at home and abroad, a relatively perfect theoretical system has not been formed, and the law of osmotic change under the influence of different factors has not been clearly explained. In this paper, according to the engineering experience, we select three factors as the influencing factors, such as the pouring height, the concrete water-cement ratio and the initial pore size, to explore the permeability law. First, it is proved that the permeation phenomenon exists. On this basis, the range and strength of the osmotic body are obtained, which provides the basis for the parameter selection of the model. Through the analysis of pore water pressure of soil around pile, pile diameter change, the strength and hardness of percolation of pile body, the variation law of soil pore water pressure under the action of different factors is studied. Firstly, according to the increase of pore water pressure around the pile and the increase of the diameter of the formed pile, the seepage phenomenon is proved to exist. According to the analysis of the strength and hardness of the percolation of the pile, it is clear when the seepage body will be considered in the finite element calculation. Secondly, through the analysis of pore water pressure in different positions in two directions, the variation law of pore water pressure along the radial and tangential direction of pile body is obtained, and the variation law of pile diameter is obtained by analyzing the increment of pile diameter in nine orthogonal experiments. The results show that the water-cement ratio and the pouring height are the main influencing factors of the pile diameter change, and through the analysis of the chemical composition of the osmotic body, the change law of the osmotic strength under the influence of different factors is obtained. It is found that the water-cement ratio is the significant factor, and the water cement ratio has the greatest influence on the hardness of the permeate by the microhardness testing method. It provides a basis for the selection of parameters when calculating the ultimate bearing capacity of pile foundation. Finally, by using load increment method and ultimate load calculation of strength reduction method, the necessity and feasibility of considering seepage in calculating ultimate bearing capacity of pile foundation are verified.
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