本文选题:钢管混凝土 + 缺陷 ; 参考:《福州大学》2013年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Based on experimental research and theoretical analysis, the hysteretic behavior of concrete filled steel tube specimens with defects is studied in this paper. In this paper, the following work is carried out: 1) A systematic review of the research status of concrete filled steel tube members with defects and seismic behavior of concrete filled steel tube members is given. (2) A total of 24 compression and bending members have been studied in hysteretic tests. There are 18 concrete filled steel tube specimens with void defect and 6 concrete filled steel tube specimens without void defect. The test parameters include void ratio, axial compression ratio and wall thickness of steel pipe. The influence of the above three parameters on the bearing capacity, stiffness, energy dissipation capacity and ductility of the specimen is studied. After determining the stress-strain constitutive relationship of steel and core concrete under reciprocating load, the finite element software Abaqus is used to simulate the constitutive relationship. At the same time, the accuracy and reliability of the finite element model are verified by the existing test results. (4) the void ratio, concrete strength, steel yield strength, steel content ratio and aspect ratio are analyzed by the finite element model. The influence of axial compression ratio on P- curve of concrete filled steel tube members with defects under reciprocating load. (5) using the finite element model, the P- curve of concrete filled steel tube members with voids is analyzed in the whole process. The stress distribution law of steel tube and core concrete section and the interaction between steel tube and core concrete are analyzed. The influence of void removal defects on the working mechanism of concrete filled steel tube specimens is also studied and some suggestions for practical engineering are put forward.
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