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发布时间:2018-07-23 16:14
【摘要】:随着我国经济的高速发展和城市化进程的加快,全社会固定资产投资总额逐年增加,大规模的项目也越来越多。这些大型项目具有建设周期长、技术工艺复杂、参建单位多、组织协调难度大等特点,并多以群组形态出现。项目群内部结构的复杂性和多变性增加了三大目标实现的不确定性,同时也对项目管理水平提出了更高的要求,建筑企业如何对多个相互关联的项目进行有效地管理是一个亟待解决的重要问题。传统的项目管理方法通常强调单个项目目标的实现,忽视了对组织发展战略的关注,难以满足项目群运行的需求,因此对建设工程项目群管理开展研究具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。 本文致力于解决建设工程项目群管理过程中面临的突出问题,一方面为建筑企业开展项目群管理工作提供一个切实可行的行动路线图,帮助其改善运行模式,提升组织实现战略目标的能力和市场竞争力,促进企业持续、快速、健康发展;另一方面,为项目群管理者提供新的管理思路和科学的决策方法,帮助其规范项目群管理行为,提高项目群管理水平,实现建设工程项目群管理由粗放式向精细化、集约化方向的转变。本文的研究内容和主要成果如下: (1)综合考虑项目自身的价值、项目与拟建项目群的匹配程度、项目间的相关作用等影响因素,设计了一套建设工程项目群构建选择评价指标体系,全面地反映出待选工程项目对建设工程项目群的适应性及优先权。针对建设工程项目群构建选择评价过程中存在的模糊性和随机性问题,将人工智能领域中的云模型引入到建设工程项目群构建选择评价中,利用云模型的知识表达和单规则不确定性推理来量化评价因素水平,实现定性概念与定量数值表示之间的有效转换,评价结果可以为建筑企业选择最合适的多个项目构建项目群提供参考依据。 (2)基于价值网的研究视角,构建了项目群价值网实现增值的协同管理模型,共涵盖3个协同模块、7项协同功能和2个支持平台,揭示了建设工程项目群管理的增值机理,设计了建设工程项目群管理的增值点,并提出了项目群价值网实现增值的支撑要素,主要包括设置合理的项目群管理组织结构和建立项目群管理信息共享平台。 (3)为了实现建设工程项目群总工期、总成本和整体质量的综合均衡优化,在分析工程项目工期与成本、工期与质量之间非线性关系的基础上,基于多属性效用理论构建了建设工程项目群资源优化配置模型,明确了模型中的目标函数和约束条件,进而将先进的仿生优化算法——微粒群算法引入建设工程项目群资源优化配置问题中,通过微粒群在搜索空间飞行速度和位置的调整更新,迭代寻找问题的最优解,提高了模型求解的效率和精度。案例分析表明运用微粒群算法能够快速有效地计算得到项目群中各工程项目分配到的共享资源数量以及各项工程活动的持续时间。 (4)结合建设工程项目群的风险评估指标和分级标准,提出了建设工程项目群风险的未确知测度模型。该模型通过构造未确知测度函数建立项目群风险的单指标测度矩阵,然后采用专家打分法和变异系数法相集成的组合赋权法确定出各项评估指标的权重系数,进而计算得到项目群风险的多指标综合测度向量,最后依照置信度识别准则评判项目群风险等级,并采用雷达图清晰、直观的显示风险评估结果。研究成果可以为建设工程项目群风险应对策略与控制措施的制定提供参考依据。 (5)借鉴平衡记分卡的基本思想,从财务、顾客、内部运作流程、学习与创新、社会责任五个维度构建了建设工程项目群管理绩效考核指标体系,共设计了12个绩效考核指标。针对传统的TOPSIS模型存在着评价对象可能距离正理想解近同时距离负理想解也近的问题,提出了一种改进的TOPSIS方法,采用评价对象与正理想解之间的垂面距离代替欧氏距离,作为建设工程项目群管理绩效优劣排序的依据,客观地衡量和比较建设工程项目群管理的实施效果。研究成果为建设工程项目群管理的绩效考核提供了一种新的思路和方法。 (6)从成熟度等级和关键领域两个维度构建了适合我国国情的建设工程项目群管理成熟度模型,在此基础上提出了基于可拓理论的建设工程项目群管理成熟度评价方法,通过关联函数设定和物元变换,计算各项指标相对于评价等级的关联度,并引入序关系分析法确定各项评价指标的权重系数,进而综合测度和比较建设工程项目群管理的成熟度水平。研究成果为建设工程项目群管理能力的改进和提升提供了指导。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy and the accelerated process of urbanization, the total investment in fixed assets of the whole society is increasing year by year, and more and more large-scale projects have become more and more. These large projects have a long period of construction, complex technology and technology, many construction units, difficult organization coordination and other special points, and many groups are formed in group form. Internal structure of the project group. Complexity and variability have increased the uncertainty of the realization of three major goals, and also put forward higher requirements for the level of project management. How to manage multiple related projects effectively is an important problem to be solved urgently. The traditional project management method usually emphasizes the realization of a single project goal and neglects it. It is difficult to meet the needs of the operation of the project group, so it is of great theoretical and practical significance to carry out the research on the management of the construction project group.
This article is devoted to solving the outstanding problems in the process of construction project group management. On the one hand, it provides a practical road map for the construction enterprises to carry out project group management, helps them improve the operation mode, improves the ability and market competitiveness of the organization to achieve the strategic objectives, and promotes the continuous, rapid and healthy development of the enterprise. On the other hand, it provides new management ideas and scientific decision-making methods for project group managers, helps them standardize the management behavior of project groups, improves the management level of project groups, and realizes the transformation of construction project group management from extensive to refined and intensive direction. The contents and main achievements of this paper are as follows:
(1) considering the value of the project itself, the matching degree of the project and the proposed project group and the related factors of the project, a set of selection evaluation index system for construction project group is designed, which comprehensively reflects the adaptability and priority of the project to the construction project group. The problem of fuzziness and randomness in the process of selection evaluation is built, and the cloud model in the field of artificial intelligence is introduced to the construction project group construction selection evaluation. The knowledge expression of the cloud model and the single rule uncertainty reasoning are used to quantify the evaluation factor level, so as to realize the effective transformation between the qualitative concept and the quantitative numerical representation. The evaluation results can provide reference for building enterprises to choose the most suitable multiple projects to build project groups.
(2) based on the research perspective of value network, a value-added collaborative management model of project group value network is constructed. It covers 3 cooperative modules, 7 synergy functions and 2 support platforms. It reveals the value-added mechanism of the construction project group management, designs the value-added point of construction project group management, and puts forward the increase of the project group value network. The supporting elements of value include setting up reasonable project management organization structure and establishing project management information sharing platform.
(3) in order to realize the overall balance and optimization of total cost and overall quality of the construction project group, based on the analysis of the nonlinear relationship between the project time and cost, the time period and the quality, the optimization allocation model of the construction project group is constructed based on the multi attribute utility theory, and the objective function and the contract in the model are clarified. With the introduction of the advanced bionic optimization algorithm, the particle swarm optimization algorithm is introduced into the optimization allocation problem of the construction project group, the optimal solution of the problem is searched through the particle swarm optimization in the flight speed and position of the search space, and the efficiency and accuracy of the model are improved. The case analysis shows that the particle swarm optimization algorithm is used. It can quickly and effectively calculate the number of shared resources allocated to each project in the project group and the duration of each project activity.
(4) unascertained measure model of construction project group risk is put forward based on the risk assessment index and classification standard of construction project group. By constructing unascertained measure function, the single index measure matrix of project group risk is established, and then the combined weighting method of expert scoring method and variation coefficient method is used to determine the result. The weight coefficient of each evaluation index is obtained, and then the multi index comprehensive measure vector of project group risk is calculated. Finally, the risk grade of the project group is judged according to the confidence recognition criterion, and the radar chart is used to clearly display the results of risk assessment. The research results can be used for the system of risk coping strategies and control measures of the construction project group. The reference is provided.
(5) drawing on the basic ideas of the balanced scorecard, from the financial, customer, internal operation process, learning and innovation, and social responsibility, the construction project group management performance evaluation index system is constructed, and 12 performance evaluation indexes are designed. In view of the traditional TOPSIS model, the evaluation object may be close to the ideal solution at the same time distance. In addition to the problem of negative ideal solution, an improved TOPSIS method is proposed, which uses the vertical plane distance between the evaluation object and the rational thought to replace the Euclidean distance. As the basis of the management performance of the construction project group, the effect of the construction project group management is objectively measured and compared. The research results are the construction project. The performance appraisal of group management provides a new way of thinking and method.
(6) from two dimensions of maturity level and key domain, the management maturity model of construction project group suitable for China is constructed. On this basis, the evaluation method of management maturity of construction project group based on extension theory is proposed, and each index is calculated relative to evaluation grade by correlation function setting and matter element transformation. The correlation degree is used to determine the weight coefficient of each evaluation index by the order relation analysis method, and then the maturity level of the construction project group management is synthetically measured and compared. The research results provide guidance for the improvement and promotion of the management ability of the construction project group.


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