[Abstract]:Agriculture, in our country's historical development has been playing a pivotal role. However, with the accelerating process of urbanization in China, the scene of traditional agriculture is gradually disappearing. People's lives are gradually surrounded by modernization and reinforced concrete, thus promoting the yearning for a return to nature. Therefore, in such an environment, the concept of "leisure park" and "pastoral life" atmosphere are combined with the concept of "agricultural theme park." This kind of park, on the one hand, can popularize agricultural knowledge and enhance people's attention to agriculture; on the other hand, it can promote the development of rural tourism industry and stimulate the economy. Taking the landscape design of agricultural theme park in Yangzhong Town of Youxi County as an example, this paper discusses the landscape design of park type agricultural park.
【作者单位】: 福建山水城市规划设计研究院有限公司;
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