[Abstract]:With the aging problem of our country becoming more and more serious, pension problem has been paid more and more attention by various industries. In the field of architecture and planning, it mainly focuses on the design of the elderly community, the elderly residence and the old-age service facilities. Shenzhen is still a younger city, but the pace of aging is getting faster and faster. How to provide a good old age life for the elderly in Shenzhen is a challenge to Shenzhen planning practitioners. Community is the main living range of the elderly, and the allocation of community pension facilities directly affects the daily life of the elderly. This article aims at the present situation of the lack of community activity center for the elderly in Shenzhen, on the basis of relevant theories and case studies at home and abroad, combined with the specific situation of Shenzhen. Around put forward to meet the actual situation in Shenzhen community elderly activity center allocation method. The specific research includes the following three aspects: firstly, it summarizes the development process of the community activity center for the elderly, analyzes the relevant norms and cases, and analyzes the characteristics of the elderly in the community in Shenzhen. The basic function and scale limitation of community activity center for the elderly are summarized. Secondly, the methods of investigation, summary and comparative analysis are used. On the one hand, the paper investigates and visits 14 senior activity centers and activity rooms in Shenzhen, summarizes the basic function composition and construction scale of the existing activity centers for the elderly, and the relationship between the function, the scale and the use status of the elderly. On the other hand, 106 elderly people in four communities in Shenzhen were investigated by questionnaires, and the data on activity demand, travel ability and other aspects of the elderly in Shenzhen were obtained. This paper clarifies the special activity requirements of the elderly in Shenzhen and the activity ability in the community, and adjusts the function, service radius and construction scale of the activity center. Finally, the functions of the community activity center for the elderly in Shenzhen are preliminarily constructed by the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and according to the different travel ability of the elderly, the suggestions are put forward that the activity center and the activity room should be arranged at two levels. According to the travel ability and community characteristics of the elderly, the paper puts forward three general layout principles: ideal type, discrete type and line type, as well as traffic leading type, landscape leading type, facility gathering type, and so on. There are five kinds of building site selection principles of plaza leading type and population density leading type, and some corresponding suggestions on how to develop and construct community activity center for the elderly in old community are put forward. Through the research of this paper, we hope to bring some reference and inspiration for the planning of community pension facilities and further research work.
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