[Abstract]:Concrete material is one of the most used artificial materials in structural engineering nowadays, but concrete structure is prone to shrinkage, cracking and other diseases. How to reduce cracking and repair cracks has become an urgent problem in engineering field. In this paper, bionic crack self-repairing technology is adopted to solve the problem of concrete cracks. The epoxy E-51 was selected as the curing agent of self-repairing concrete, and the microcapsules of two kinds of core materials were prepared by consulting a large number of literatures and related experimental studies. Using epoxy E-51 or 830 curing agent as capsule core, urea-formaldehyde resin was prepared from urea and formaldehyde as the capsule wall of microcapsule. Urea and formaldehyde were obtained for the preparation of adhesive microcapsule. The rational blending ratio of epoxy resin was 1: 2: 1.4, and urea for curing agent microcapsule was obtained. The reasonable blending ratio of formaldehyde 830 curing agent is 1: 2: 1. Microcapsule particles with regular shape were observed by electron microscope scanner. Mixing speed, water content and pH of the mixture have great influence on the dispersity of the microcapsules. Through the preparation test of microcapsules, the results show that the microcapsules with good dispersion effect can be obtained when the mixing speed is 300 r / min, the ratio of water to core mass is about 2.86 ~ 3.57% and the PH value is about 4.5. Two component self-repairing mortar with crack self-repairing property was prepared by adding microcapsule into cement mortar according to a certain proportion. Adhesive microcapsule and 830 curing agent were added directly to mortar. One component self-repairing mortar with better repair performance than two-component self-repairing mortar was prepared. A single component self-repairing concrete is prepared. When the content of microcapsule is 8% of cement mass, the better the repairing performance of self-repairing concrete is, and the white polymer after repairing crack can be seen on the fracture surface of self-repairing concrete.
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