[Abstract]:Using the satellite image data of Yulin city for many years to extract the information of the building area, using the dynamic measurement index of several cities to extend the building area of Yulin city, changing the shape characteristic, the expansion pattern and the structure change. The expansion rationality of scale and structure are quantified and analyzed. The results show that in the past 20 years, the area in Yulin City has expanded at a high speed and has the characteristics of stages, the spatial morphology has changed dramatically, and the variation characteristics of each index have obvious differences in the two expansion periods. The space scale in the previous expansion period is basically reasonable, while the irrational excessive expansion phenomenon in the latter period is relatively serious. The expansion stagnation between them is beneficial to buffer the negative inertia of high-speed expansion, the urban spatial expansion mode of "expanding-buffer-expansion" is beneficial to the filling and adjustment of urban interior space, and the negative effect brought by rapid expansion can be alleviated. Incongruous factors exacerbate the inefficiency of spatial expansion. Based on this, some suggestions are put forward to improve the spatial expansion of Yulin City.
【作者单位】: 长安大学建筑学院;西安建筑科技大学建筑学院;
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