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发布时间:2018-08-14 11:50
【摘要】:伴随着我国经济的快速发展,人类生存的环境受到越来越大的破坏。因此,如何实现经济在不破坏环境的前提下得到发展,人与环境和谐相处,这些都显得尤为重要和迫切。在我国,建筑业是能耗大户,特别是传统的既有建筑对能源利用率低,对环境的污染也严重。面对这一情况,大力的发展绿色建筑,能够改善人类居住环境,促进我国建筑节能减排。但是我国既有建筑的面积大,所以对既有建筑实行节能改造是当前最有效的措施。在本文中,经过模拟计算,单栋既有建筑绿色节能改造后,每年的碳减排量的估计在563.3吨,二氧化硫排放量减少1.83吨,氮氧化物排放量减少1.59万吨,减少粉尘排放1.18吨。若推广对既有建筑的节能改造,那么这样带来的建筑节能减排潜力将更加巨大。 绿色建筑作为当前各国发展的主要趋势,,但是对其内涵的理解还是存在误区,所以本文在参考国外欧美等发达国家的绿色建筑产业发展情况,得出推动绿色建筑市场发展的因素,再结合我国实际发展要求,分析出绿色建筑和一般建筑的不同之处,在理解绿色建筑评估标准的前提下,结合既有建筑绿色节能改造技术,分析各种改造途径的可实施性。运用技术经济评价这一直观的方法,采用动态分析方法作为评价指针,建立出既有建筑绿色节能改造方案的工程经济模型,基于技术经济评价对既有建筑绿色节能改造的效益进行综合分析。根据建立的技术经济评价模型,应用到实际的案例中,计算得出相应的经济效益和环境效益。 文章最后结合我国在既有建筑绿色节能改造上的发展情况,在技术和经济角度发现存在的问题,然后从环境、经济以及其他层面提出相应的政策建议。既有建筑绿色节能改造要做到努力提高绿色施工技术,发展新型绿色建筑材料,提高施工人员和管理人员的素质,另一方面需要扩宽融资渠道以及实行商业化的运作机制,促进既有建筑绿色节能改造在我国的快速发展。
[Abstract]:With the rapid economic development of our country, the environment of human existence has been destroyed more and more. Therefore, how to realize the economic development without destroying the environment, and how to get along with the environment harmoniously, all these seem to be particularly important and urgent. In our country, the construction industry is a big energy user, especially the traditional buildings have low energy efficiency and serious pollution to the environment. Faced with this situation, the development of green buildings can improve the living environment of human beings and promote energy saving and emission reduction of buildings in China. However, the area of existing buildings in China is large, so energy-saving reconstruction of existing buildings is the most effective measure. In this paper, after the simulation calculation, the annual carbon emission reduction is estimated at 563.3 tons, sulfur dioxide emission is reduced by 1.83 tons, nitrogen oxide emission is reduced by 15900 tons, and dust emission is reduced by 1.18 tons after the green energy-saving transformation of the existing building. If the energy saving transformation of existing buildings is popularized, the potential of building energy saving and emission reduction will be even greater. Green building is the main trend of development in various countries at present, but there are still some misunderstandings about its connotation, so this paper refers to the development of green building industry in developed countries, such as foreign countries, Europe, America and other countries. The factors that promote the development of green building market are obtained, and the differences between green building and general building are analyzed according to the actual development requirements of our country. On the premise of understanding the evaluation standard of green building, the green energy saving transformation technology of existing building is combined. The implementability of various ways of transformation is analyzed. Based on the intuitionistic method of technical and economic evaluation and the dynamic analysis method, the project economic model of green energy saving reconstruction scheme of existing buildings is established. Based on the technical and economic evaluation, the benefits of green energy saving reconstruction of existing buildings are comprehensively analyzed. According to the established technical and economic evaluation model and applied to practical cases, the corresponding economic and environmental benefits are calculated. Finally, according to the development of green energy saving transformation of existing buildings in China, the paper finds out the existing problems in terms of technology and economy, and then puts forward corresponding policy suggestions from the aspects of environment, economy and other aspects. In order to improve green construction technology, develop new green building materials and improve the quality of construction staff and managers, the green energy saving reconstruction of existing buildings needs to widen the financing channels and implement the commercial operation mechanism. To promote the green energy-saving transformation of existing buildings in China's rapid development.


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