[Abstract]:With the gradual promulgation and implementation of the relevant laws and regulations, such as the Urban and Rural Planning Law of the people's Republic of China, the Administrative license Law of the people's Republic of China and the Law of the people's Republic of China on Real Rights, the relevant laws and regulations have been promulgated and implemented gradually. There are no corresponding regulations on sunshine in Henan Province. At present, Shangqiu city is faced with outstanding problems in the planning and management process. As a result of the fierce contradictions and conflicts between the neighborhoods, once the planning and design schemes were changed, the administrative examination and approval could not be completed according to the deadline stipulated in the Administrative Licensing Law, which affected the progress of the construction projects. People often petition affected the relationship between cadres and groups and the image of the government, but also affected the city of Shangqiu. Through the analysis of typical cases, we can find a reasonable and legal method to solve the problem of sunshine, and it is urgent for the planning and management work of Shangqiu to establish the control standard of sunshine. It is also the practical problem of city planning and management in the absence of detailed national norms. Through the deep research, the paper interprets the solution of the Rizhao problem in the form of pictures and texts, finds the legal and reasonable way to solve the problem, and guides the planning management work and the city construction. In order to avoid excessive waste of time and financial resources, the units applying for construction will be able to handle affairs according to law, save administrative cost and improve work efficiency. To avoid the waste of human and financial resources and resources caused by illegal construction; to guide the implementation of reasonable planning programs to make urban construction more beautiful and more suitable for people to live, work and live; to avoid neighborhood conflicts and promote social harmony; Improve the relationship between the cadres and the masses and the image of the government and maintain social stability.
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