[Abstract]:Since the beginning of the 1980s, when China began to implement the bidding and tendering system, the bidding and tendering undertakings of construction projects in China have developed rapidly. The number and total amount of funds for bidding and tendering projects have been increasing continuously. This will help to prosper China's construction market, establish a market competition mechanism, break the restrictions and protectionism of regions, industries, and safeguard the main competitors. Legitimate rights and interests, protection of the interests of the main investors, saving investment in projects, improving the quality of construction projects, are of great significance.
After 30 years of development, bidding has developed into a major mode of transaction in China's construction market. In order to standardize bidding activities, China promulgated and implemented the Law of the People's Republic of China on Bidding and Bidding on January 1, 2000, and promulgated and implemented the Law of the People's Republic of China on February 1, 12. The implementation regulations of the state bidding law are >.
However, with the further development of social economy, there are still many irregular practices in the bidding market. At present, there are still many problems and shortcomings in the bidding work, seriously affecting the role of the bidding system, making the implementation and implementation of the bidding law can not be thoroughly in place.
The non-standard bidding activities in the construction market, the lack of effective restraint and guarantee mechanism, the imperfection of relevant laws and regulations, so that the bidding system can not give full play to its role. Powerful help.
This paper mainly analyzes and studies from two aspects: one is the perfection and standardization of the bidding system, the other is the standardization of the behavior of people in the bidding activities.It systematically expounds the recent situation of the implementation of the bidding system at home and abroad, and analyzes the differences between them, respectively from the aspects of bidding, bidding, bid evaluation and so on. The existing problems, put forward the corresponding improvement measures, and provide some feasible suggestions.
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