发布时间:2018-08-18 14:42
【摘要】:摘要:目前,经济社会发展突飞猛进,城市化进程不断加快。一方面是现代技术日臻周备,环境危机日益加剧,人们对于生态的需求则日渐强烈,建筑应如何满足人们的生态情感诉求已成为目前所面临的突出问题。另一方面,由于传统哲学主客二元对立思想的根深蒂固,以至建筑研究过多的注重工具理性、物质技术和图像化,这就使建筑师难免局限于个人主观意图或当下时代局限走向形而上学的道路,从而加速了建筑体验的丧失。“不恰当的理解自然”是造成这一困境的重要哲学根源。生态现象学以人与环境的关系为研究内容,揭示了建筑的本质,应当作为重塑建筑体验的依据而被重视起来。 本文首先对生态现象学一般性理论进行剖析,接着发掘出生态现象学影响下建筑本身的意义与机制。其中,通过对建筑现象学还原和建筑本身意义的探讨,呈现了人与自然之间原有的密切关系。同时,通过对场所体验到生命体验的研究,认为建筑应当是一种人与自然对话的媒介,让人感受到“生命体验”。进而通过建筑体验的感官机制、心理机制和环境机制来研究体验生成问题,并加入案例进行分析,最终使“主客同一”观念下的建筑体验成为可能。
[Abstract]:Absrtact: at present, the economic and social development by leaps and bounds, the urbanization process speeds up unceasingly. On the one hand, modern technology is becoming more and more comprehensive, environmental crisis is becoming more and more serious, and people's demand for ecology is becoming more and more intense. How to satisfy people's demands of ecological emotion has become a prominent problem. On the other hand, due to the deep-rooted idea of dualistic opposition in traditional philosophy, the study of architecture pays too much attention to instrumental rationality, material technology and visualization. This makes architects bound to the personal subjective intention or the current time limitations to the metaphysical road, thus accelerating the loss of architectural experience. An improper understanding of nature is an important philosophical source of this dilemma. Taking the relationship between human and environment as the research content, the ecological phenomenology reveals the essence of architecture and should be regarded as the basis for reshaping the architectural experience. This paper first analyzes the general theory of ecological phenomenology, and then finds out the significance and mechanism of architecture under the influence of ecological phenomenology. Among them, the close relationship between man and nature is presented through the discussion of the restoration of architectural phenomenology and the meaning of architecture itself. At the same time, through the study of the experience of life in place, the author thinks that architecture should be a medium of dialogue between man and nature, and make people feel "life experience". Then, through the sensory mechanism, psychological mechanism and environmental mechanism of architectural experience to study the problem of experience generation, and add the case to analyze, finally make the architectural experience under the concept of "subject and object same" become possible.
[Abstract]:Absrtact: at present, the economic and social development by leaps and bounds, the urbanization process speeds up unceasingly. On the one hand, modern technology is becoming more and more comprehensive, environmental crisis is becoming more and more serious, and people's demand for ecology is becoming more and more intense. How to satisfy people's demands of ecological emotion has become a prominent problem. On the other hand, due to the deep-rooted idea of dualistic opposition in traditional philosophy, the study of architecture pays too much attention to instrumental rationality, material technology and visualization. This makes architects bound to the personal subjective intention or the current time limitations to the metaphysical road, thus accelerating the loss of architectural experience. An improper understanding of nature is an important philosophical source of this dilemma. Taking the relationship between human and environment as the research content, the ecological phenomenology reveals the essence of architecture and should be regarded as the basis for reshaping the architectural experience. This paper first analyzes the general theory of ecological phenomenology, and then finds out the significance and mechanism of architecture under the influence of ecological phenomenology. Among them, the close relationship between man and nature is presented through the discussion of the restoration of architectural phenomenology and the meaning of architecture itself. At the same time, through the study of the experience of life in place, the author thinks that architecture should be a medium of dialogue between man and nature, and make people feel "life experience". Then, through the sensory mechanism, psychological mechanism and environmental mechanism of architectural experience to study the problem of experience generation, and add the case to analyze, finally make the architectural experience under the concept of "subject and object same" become possible.
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