发布时间:2018-08-21 20:46
【摘要】:随着天主教传入北京,带来了一种新的宗教建筑类型——天主教堂建筑。北京的近代建筑中,天主教堂建筑是出现较早的西方建筑类型。教堂建筑传入北京的过程,不可避免地受到了社会历史背景、民族文化、地理位置等各方面的影响,由此产生不同程度的异化,从而发展成带有中国传统建筑特色的教堂建筑,这是西方建筑文化与中国传统建筑文化相互碰撞、融合的结果。 本文研究的重点为北京四大天主教堂建筑,从天主教传入北京入手,概括分析天主教堂建筑的兴建、建筑群体布局及单体建筑的基本特点。以北京四大天主教堂即宣武门天主堂、王府井天主堂、西什库天主堂、西直门天主堂为研究对象,对其历史沿革、平面布局、建筑形式、内部空间、装饰风格、建造材料及附属建筑等各个方面展开研究。通过分析天主教堂建筑传入北京后的发展历程,总结出北京天主教堂建筑的特点,在吸收了中国传统建筑元素后自身建筑形式发生的转变,以及对北京近代建筑所产生的影响。通过研究北京最有历史价值的四座天主教堂建筑,,审视西方宗教建筑在北京的发展演变,了解教堂建筑从最初的注重本土化逐渐转向西方建筑仿造的全过程,总结出天主教堂建筑形式发展的特点及其在中西文化交流方面所做出的贡献。 北京的天主教堂建筑作为西方宗教的象征,它们不仅仅是举行宗教活动的场所,而且承载着厚重的历史,是中西文化交流见证的场所。这些教堂又作为一座座建筑艺术博物馆,它们的存在有着很高的历史价值和艺术价值。
[Abstract]:With the introduction of Catholicism into Beijing, a new type of religious architecture-the Catholic Church building. In the modern architecture of Beijing, the Catholic Church was an early type of western architecture. The process of the introduction of church architecture into Beijing was inevitably influenced by the social and historical background, national culture, geographical location, and so on, resulting in different degrees of alienation, thus developing into a church building with Chinese traditional architectural characteristics. This is the result of the collision and integration of western architectural culture and Chinese traditional architectural culture. This paper focuses on the four major Catholic Church buildings in Beijing. Starting with the introduction of Catholicism to Beijing, this paper generalizes and analyzes the construction of the Catholic Church buildings, the layout of the building groups and the basic characteristics of the individual buildings. Taking the four major Catholic churches in Beijing, namely Xuanwu Men Catholic Church, Wangfujing Catholic Hall, Xishku Catholic Hall and Xizhimen Catholic Church, as research objects, the historical evolution, plane layout, architectural form, interior space and decoration style of the cathedral are studied. Construction materials and ancillary buildings and other aspects of research. Based on the analysis of the development of the Catholic Church architecture after it was introduced into Beijing, this paper summarizes the characteristics of the Catholic Church architecture in Beijing, the transformation of its own architectural form after absorbing the elements of Chinese traditional architecture, and its influence on the modern architecture in Beijing. By studying the four most historic Catholic Church buildings in Beijing, and examining the development and evolution of western religious buildings in Beijing, we can understand the whole process of the gradual transition of church architecture from the initial emphasis on localization to the imitation of western architecture. This paper summarizes the characteristics of the development of the Catholic Church's architectural form and its contribution to the cultural exchange between China and the West. As a symbol of western religion, the Catholic Church buildings in Beijing are not only places for religious activities, but also a place for cultural exchanges between China and the West, bearing a heavy history. These churches as architectural art museums, their existence has a high historical and artistic value.
[Abstract]:With the introduction of Catholicism into Beijing, a new type of religious architecture-the Catholic Church building. In the modern architecture of Beijing, the Catholic Church was an early type of western architecture. The process of the introduction of church architecture into Beijing was inevitably influenced by the social and historical background, national culture, geographical location, and so on, resulting in different degrees of alienation, thus developing into a church building with Chinese traditional architectural characteristics. This is the result of the collision and integration of western architectural culture and Chinese traditional architectural culture. This paper focuses on the four major Catholic Church buildings in Beijing. Starting with the introduction of Catholicism to Beijing, this paper generalizes and analyzes the construction of the Catholic Church buildings, the layout of the building groups and the basic characteristics of the individual buildings. Taking the four major Catholic churches in Beijing, namely Xuanwu Men Catholic Church, Wangfujing Catholic Hall, Xishku Catholic Hall and Xizhimen Catholic Church, as research objects, the historical evolution, plane layout, architectural form, interior space and decoration style of the cathedral are studied. Construction materials and ancillary buildings and other aspects of research. Based on the analysis of the development of the Catholic Church architecture after it was introduced into Beijing, this paper summarizes the characteristics of the Catholic Church architecture in Beijing, the transformation of its own architectural form after absorbing the elements of Chinese traditional architecture, and its influence on the modern architecture in Beijing. By studying the four most historic Catholic Church buildings in Beijing, and examining the development and evolution of western religious buildings in Beijing, we can understand the whole process of the gradual transition of church architecture from the initial emphasis on localization to the imitation of western architecture. This paper summarizes the characteristics of the development of the Catholic Church's architectural form and its contribution to the cultural exchange between China and the West. As a symbol of western religion, the Catholic Church buildings in Beijing are not only places for religious activities, but also a place for cultural exchanges between China and the West, bearing a heavy history. These churches as architectural art museums, their existence has a high historical and artistic value.
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