[Abstract]:In the construction wall enclosure structure in hot summer and cold winter area, the deficiency and defect of external insulation system and internal insulation system can be avoided by adopting self-insulation system. However, in the promotion of self-insulation system also encountered many new problems. Among them, how to adopt the suitable structure to solve the heat insulation problem of the thermal bridge is one of the important problems to be solved urgently. In this paper, four indexes for evaluating heat transfer of hot bridges are put forward: equivalent heat transfer coefficient of thermal bridges, influence range of thermal bridges, influence coefficient of side flow, and temperature fluctuation of thermal bridges. Different self-insulating systems (shale porous brick, aerated concrete block) are studied in this paper. Under the sandwich insulation block), the thermal insulation performance of the thermal bridge under different structures is summed up by comparison and analysis, such as the distance between beams, floor heat bridges, the thickness of the insulation layer at the ear, the coverage of the insulation layer, the distance between the walls of the beam, the floor heat bridge, the thickness of the insulation layer at the ear, The material of self-insulation system is the four key factors affecting heat bridge insulation. Finally, on the basis of these factors, it is concluded that under the specific self-insulating wall materials, the appropriate distance between the beam and the floor is 120 mm, the appropriate thickness of the insulation layer at the ear is 10 mm, and the suitable range of the insulation layer is 800 mm in the respective thermal bridge construction. The method proposed in this paper is more accurate than the existing thermal bridge evaluation method. The comprehensive evaluation of heat transfer of the thermal bridge can provide a reference for the selection of the structure and the evaluation criteria for the optimization results of the structure.
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