[Abstract]:China is one of the earthquake-prone countries in the world. With the increasing number of large-scale deep foundation pit projects in China, the impact of foundation pit on dynamic load has gradually attracted attention. On the basis of consulting a lot of documents, taking the second phase deep foundation pit project of Jinzhuoyuan Building in Shenyang as an example, the seismic response analysis of deep foundation pit engineering adjacent to high-rise building is carried out based on FLAC3D. Based on the Code for Seismic Design of buildings, the original input waveform is processed by using SeismoSignal software. The basic parameter attributes of the artificial seismic waveform are obtained by using the seismic waves used in dynamic analysis to meet the requirements of the mesh size of the model and the peak value of the frequent earthquake acceleration in a site with a seismic intensity of 7 degrees. Based on the ANSYS and FLAC3D modeling technology, this paper establishes an example solid model, carries out the static simulation of the deep foundation pit adjacent to the high-rise building under the action of gravity field, and discusses the variation law of the settlement, displacement and internal force of the supporting structure and the model under the gravity field. For the case of prestressing loss of prestressed anchor cable, the reason of prestressing loss of anchor cable is discussed, and the initial stress field for dynamic analysis is generated. Based on the static calculation results, the seismic load time history analysis is carried out, and the dynamic response law of the model in the time of dynamic load action is quantitatively studied. A 7 degree site is obtained, which corresponds to the seismic response law of the second phase deep foundation pit of Jin Zhaoyuan Tower under the action of the reduced Kobe seismic wave of the peak earthquake acceleration peak in the code. Through the analysis of the response spectrum of different materials and different soil monitoring points, It is concluded that the dynamic response of different materials under the same seismic wave is different. The mechanism of plastic zone development in the model is discussed. The displacement response law of pile-anchor support system, the axial force of anchor cable and the shear stress response of cement slurry are studied. The displacement rules of foundation floor, pile, anchor cable and soil layer are obtained.
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