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发布时间:2018-09-04 17:15
[Abstract]:Firstly, the in-plane stability of the cluster columns is discussed, and the interaction mechanism of the same layer frame column and the interstory frame column is briefly expounded through the example analysis, and the research work of the scholars in various countries in this respect is summarized. Then, the problem of outer-cylindrical stability of structure group in high zone is discussed emphatically, including plane frame (rectangular high zone) and curved frame, in which the design method of out-of-cylindrical stability of plane frame is relatively mature. The instability mechanism of the curved frame is analyzed by an example, and the problem of the group column stability of the reticulated cylindrical shell structure which is widely used in the tall tube and tower structure is discussed in the end. The results show that the lattice cylindrical shell structure is different from the plane frame structure, and it shows obvious spatial deformation characteristics when it is unstable, which makes the research on the design theory of the cylindrical stability of the cylindrical shell group very complicated, and the research results in many countries are less. It lags behind the engineering application and needs to be solved further.
【作者单位】: 清华大学土木工程系;西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院;


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