[Abstract]:Green building and building information model are two hot spots and the future development direction of the construction industry. Both of them focus on maximizing the efficiency of the whole life cycle of the project, maximizing the utilization rate of resources and sustainable development. Therefore, the two of the organic fusion together to form the concept of GBIM. The application of information technology in the process of green building design has been studied in this paper. The green building design process involves the cooperation of various professional design and performance simulation work. Most of the domestic design enterprises are used to the traditional project design mode, and the information operation link of the design process is relatively weak. It is not suitable for the promotion of green building collaborative design pattern. Based on the transformation of design enterprise's working mode by using information technology, combining database technology, information flow technology and IFC standard, this paper puts forward "GBIM collaborative design decision system". Then, aiming at the technical difficulties of information flow management in this system platform, the characteristics of working information flow in the collaborative design process of green building are analyzed. The information flow simulation technology and the information flow simulation model of green building design process based on this technology are proposed. Then, this paper introduces several green building performance simulation software commonly used in the green building industry in China. After comparative analysis, a set of green building performance simulation software which is suitable for the development of GBIM collaborative design decision system is selected. After selecting the matching performance simulation software, this paper fully analyzes the logical relationship and information flow between the professional design activities and the performance simulation activities in the green building design process. The information flow simulation model of green building design process is established by using IDEF0 information flow modeling method. The information flow relationship between design activities and performance simulation activities in green building design process is described comprehensively and systematically. The constraint relation and sequence provide a process oriented engine for GBIM collaborative design decision system. Then taking a green project in Chongqing as an example, the simulation model of information flow in green building design process is verified, and the integrity and generality of the model are proved. The software development of the evaluation and evaluation tool for green building in Chongqing proves that the information description method of the information flow model in this paper has good computer identifiability and is feasible to be applied to the development of GBIM collaborative design decision system. Finally, the prospect is put forward and the follow-up research work of the research group is discussed.
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