发布时间:2018-09-05 07:40
【摘要】:从公园发展历程和利用方式变迁来看,我国城市公园大概经历了古典园林、近代殖民公园、解放前后收费公园和新世纪免费公园四个阶段,随着公园开放性增大,公园游客剧量增,来园活动也呈多元化趋势。尽管大部分公园在管理服务方面均进行过完善,但仍面临许多困境。本文以上海城市公园为代表,根据按公园属性、所属区位和收费与否在全市范围内选取了34个公园为研究对象,通过问卷形式对游客结构、来园和游园方式,及其基础性需求和提升性需求进行调查,分析上海城市公园游客结构、行为与需求特征及其影响因素,旨在对上海市城市公园游客本底数据进行呈现的同时,探讨不同类型公园未来发展的专业化、高质化和特色化经营管理新途径。 研究表明,上海城市公园游客以周边居住或工作的中老年企业员工和离退休人员为主体,来园频率高,多停留1-3小时;来园活动多样,以游览散步、亲近自然为主,动静兼具。游客对公园绿化状况和安全性满意度最高,对无障碍设施设置以及活动音乐管理满意度最低;需求多样,但消费意愿较低,更倾向免费服务项目和公共游玩场地。 公园属性和所处位置对游客结构、来园和游园行为及其需求均有显著影响,公园属性的影响性则更为全面。全市性综合公园游客趋于年轻化、高学历化,而区域性综合公园、社区公园和专类公园游客则均趋于老年化,社区公园尤为突出。四类公园服务范围与其属性定位是相匹配的。由于服务主体和服务范围的不同,游客行为及其需求上均存在显著差异。由于门票的“杠杆”作用未充分发挥,公园收费与否对游客结构、来园目的及其需求影响不大。但收费公园接近一半的游客对公园门票收取持支持态度,表明从游客需求角度,也不适宜对全部城市公园实行免费开放。 以公园属性为分类,对城市公园游憩功能生态位进行研究。生态位宽度分别为:区域性综合公园全市性综合公园专类公园社区公园,四类公园生态位宽度差异较小且生态位重叠度较高,是多数公园以老年离退休游客为主体,而其他类型游客特征不明显的一个重要原因。但在游客资源转变为丰富的当今,游憩功能生态位泛化已不再适宜公园未来发展,应将各类公园游憩功能生态位进行窄化、分离。 针对上述研究结果,本文以“分类指导,错位式经营;面向大众,差异性服务;以人为本,精细化管理”为上海市城市公园未来发展的总体思路,对全市性综合公园、区域性综合公园、专类公园和社区公园四类公园提出了具体的经营管理建议。
[Abstract]:From the perspective of park development process and utilization mode changes, urban parks in China have undergone four stages: classical gardens, modern colonial parks, toll-free parks before and after liberation and free parks in the new century. With the increase of Park openness, the number of visitors to the park has increased dramatically, and the number of visitors to the park has also shown a trend of diversification. In this paper, 34 parks in Shanghai are selected as the research objects according to their attributes, location and charges. The structure of tourists, the way of visiting, the basic demand and the promotion demand are investigated by questionnaires. This paper analyzes the structure, behavior and demand characteristics of visitors to Shanghai urban parks and their influencing factors, aiming at presenting the background data of visitors to Shanghai urban parks and discussing the new ways of professional, high-quality and characteristic management for the future development of different types of parks.
The study shows that the visitors to Shanghai urban parks are mainly middle-aged and old-aged employees and retirees living or working in the surrounding areas, with a high frequency of visiting the park and staying for 1-3 hours more. The activities of visiting the park are varied, mainly for sightseeing and walking, mainly for being close to nature, with both dynamic and static characteristics. And activity music management satisfaction is the lowest; demand diversity, but lower willingness to consume, more inclined to free services and public playgrounds.
Park attributes and locations have a significant impact on visitor structure, visitor behavior and demand, while Park attributes have a more comprehensive impact. Tourists of city-wide comprehensive parks tend to be younger and highly educated, while tourists of regional comprehensive parks, community parks and special parks tend to be older, especially community parks. Because of the different service subjects and service scopes, there are significant differences in tourists'behavior and demand. As the "leverage" function of tickets is not fully exerted, whether the park charges have a little influence on tourists' structure, the purpose of visiting the park and their demand. Tourists are supportive of the collection of Park tickets, suggesting that it is not appropriate to open all urban parks free of charge from the perspective of tourist demand.
The niche breadths of the four types of parks are as follows: regional comprehensive parks, city-wide comprehensive parks, special park community parks. The niche breadths of the four types of parks are small and overlap niches is high. Most of the parks are dominated by elderly retired tourists, while other types are. However, nowadays, when the tourist resources become abundant, the generalization of recreational functional niche is no longer suitable for the future development of parks, so the niche of various types of parks should be narrowed and separated.
In view of the above research results, this paper puts forward the overall idea of the future development of urban parks in Shanghai based on "classified guidance, dislocation management; facing the public, differentiated services; people-oriented, meticulous management" and puts forward the concrete management of the four types of parks, namely, municipal comprehensive parks, regional comprehensive parks, special parks and community parks. Suggestion.
[Abstract]:From the perspective of park development process and utilization mode changes, urban parks in China have undergone four stages: classical gardens, modern colonial parks, toll-free parks before and after liberation and free parks in the new century. With the increase of Park openness, the number of visitors to the park has increased dramatically, and the number of visitors to the park has also shown a trend of diversification. In this paper, 34 parks in Shanghai are selected as the research objects according to their attributes, location and charges. The structure of tourists, the way of visiting, the basic demand and the promotion demand are investigated by questionnaires. This paper analyzes the structure, behavior and demand characteristics of visitors to Shanghai urban parks and their influencing factors, aiming at presenting the background data of visitors to Shanghai urban parks and discussing the new ways of professional, high-quality and characteristic management for the future development of different types of parks.
The study shows that the visitors to Shanghai urban parks are mainly middle-aged and old-aged employees and retirees living or working in the surrounding areas, with a high frequency of visiting the park and staying for 1-3 hours more. The activities of visiting the park are varied, mainly for sightseeing and walking, mainly for being close to nature, with both dynamic and static characteristics. And activity music management satisfaction is the lowest; demand diversity, but lower willingness to consume, more inclined to free services and public playgrounds.
Park attributes and locations have a significant impact on visitor structure, visitor behavior and demand, while Park attributes have a more comprehensive impact. Tourists of city-wide comprehensive parks tend to be younger and highly educated, while tourists of regional comprehensive parks, community parks and special parks tend to be older, especially community parks. Because of the different service subjects and service scopes, there are significant differences in tourists'behavior and demand. As the "leverage" function of tickets is not fully exerted, whether the park charges have a little influence on tourists' structure, the purpose of visiting the park and their demand. Tourists are supportive of the collection of Park tickets, suggesting that it is not appropriate to open all urban parks free of charge from the perspective of tourist demand.
The niche breadths of the four types of parks are as follows: regional comprehensive parks, city-wide comprehensive parks, special park community parks. The niche breadths of the four types of parks are small and overlap niches is high. Most of the parks are dominated by elderly retired tourists, while other types are. However, nowadays, when the tourist resources become abundant, the generalization of recreational functional niche is no longer suitable for the future development of parks, so the niche of various types of parks should be narrowed and separated.
In view of the above research results, this paper puts forward the overall idea of the future development of urban parks in Shanghai based on "classified guidance, dislocation management; facing the public, differentiated services; people-oriented, meticulous management" and puts forward the concrete management of the four types of parks, namely, municipal comprehensive parks, regional comprehensive parks, special parks and community parks. Suggestion.
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