[Abstract]:Setting atrium is a common design method in library design, and it is also a bright spot in design. As a transition space, it not only makes traffic more orderly, streamline more flexible, but also adjusts the change of indoor microclimate. In view of its good spatial sense and lighting performance, designers generally set the reading space around the atrium. At present, people pay more attention to the external form of atrium, but less to the thermal comfort of the atrium reading space. As a transitional space, the unreasonable design of atrium will lead to strong summer lighting, Greenhouse Effect is too obvious for students to study for a long time, the winter temperature is too low, the reader's reading experience is greatly reduced. A comfortable thermal environment will improve the working and learning efficiency of library users. Therefore, it is very important to study the thermal environment of library atrium in cold area in order to create comfortable reading space. This paper takes the atrium space of the university library in Harbin, a typical city in the cold region, as the research carrier, tests the thermal environment of the atrium reading space, and analyzes the subjective feelings of the users for the thermal environment. A climate adaptation model for library readers is established, and the main factors affecting the thermal comfort of atrium reading space are extracted. The first chapter describes the background, the purpose and significance of the research, the current situation of domestic and foreign research, the existing problems and content framework; the second chapter studies the sampling survey method, and establishes the mathematical model of the minimum sample size. The subjective and objective research scheme is determined, and the research method and data processing method of thermal comfort in atrium reading space are expounded. The field test and research on the university library with central heating in Harbin in winter are also carried out. In the third chapter, the factors influencing the thermal comfort of the reading space in the library are summed up as the outdoor physical environment, the space form of the library atrium, the characteristics of the physical environment of the atrium, and the individual differences of the readers. The temperature adaptability index of Harbin central heating library in winter is established. Based on the above analysis, the fourth chapter puts forward the optimization strategies of influencing the thermal comfort factors in university libraries. This paper hopes to establish the temperature index suitable for the library atrium reading space through the study of the winter thermal comfort of the reading space in the university library in the cold region, so as to reduce the energy consumption of heating in winter and to create a comfortable reading space for the readers. To the existing and the future library in the atrium thermal comfort related research, provides the research basis and plays the positive promotion role.
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