[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid urbanization of China, urban scale has expanded rapidly, urban spatial structure has been restructured, resulting in a large number of loss of basic farmland, regional landscape and ecological environment quality is declining, resulting in greenhouse effect, soil erosion, water pollution and biodiversity, and so on, land use and biodiversity. Eco-service value is the product and service of life support directly or indirectly provided by the structure, process and function of ecosystem. It plays an irreplaceable and important role in maintaining life, supporting system and dynamic balance of environment, and promoting economy, environment and society. Therefore, the dynamic simulation of urban spatial expansion pattern evolution and the response of its ecological service value have important practical significance and application value for scientific management of urban land use spatial growth and sustainable development of urban ecological environment. Based on RS and GIS software platform, the land use type maps of 1989, 1996, 2004 and 2009 were obtained, and the land use and cover change characteristics in the past 20 years were analyzed. The urban expansion in the past 20 years (1989-2009) was simulated and reconstructed by SLEUTH urban expansion model. Based on the current trend of development, farmland protection and landscape ecological strategy, the urban spatial expansion and land use change in the next 20 years (2010-2029) were forecasted. Finally, according to the land ecosystem service unit area value of China, combined with the sensitivity of ecological service value. Based on the evaluation system of ecological services in the study area, the ecological service value was estimated quantitatively according to the land cover data of the past 20 years and the future 20 years respectively. The temporal and spatial variation characteristics of ecological service value were analyzed, and the potential of urban spatial expansion for future urban ecological service function under different development scenarios was discussed. The results show that: 1) With the rapid development of urbanization in the past 20 years, the urban land use structure has changed significantly, and the area of construction land has been continuously changing. The increase was 100.69 km2, the average annual growth rate was 2.91%; the area of farmland and green land showed a decreasing trend, the decrease was 95.35 km2 and 8.47 km2, respectively. 87.98% of the reduced area was replaced by construction land. Farmland was the largest source of construction land transfer. 2) Under three different development scenarios, the growth scale and speed of urban construction land were increased. Scenario I, Scenario II, Scenario II, Scenario II I, Scenario II I, Scenario II I, Scenario II I, Scenario II, Scenario II I, Scenario II I, Scenario II, Scenario II, Scenario II, Scenario II I, Scenario II, Scenario II, Scenario II I, Scenario II, Scenario II I, Sc The results show that the total value of ecological services in the study area has declined continuously in the past 20 years, from 248.65 106 in 1989 to 205.79 106 in 2009. Farmland and green land have the greatest impact on the total value of services, accounting for 51.3% of the total decrease respectively. 4% and 35.28% of the three scenarios in the next 20 years, Scenario III (Integrated Landscape Ecology Strategy) has the best protection effect on the ecosystem, and can effectively control the trend of significant decrease in the value of ecological services, which is conducive to the protection of the ecological environment. The conclusion can provide decision support for future urban land use spatial growth management, urban planning, land use planning, sustainable use of land resources and social and economic sustainable development of Jinan.
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