[Abstract]:Play is the nature of children, in the process of play, children can not only improve their own mind, but also improve their physical fitness, and many of the adult abilities also come from the accumulation of childhood. The game also leaves a lingering memory in one's life, often hearing people describe passionately the Mini Game of childhood, or that small scars on the body are the spoils of childhood adventure games. At this time their joy was overflowing. Children are the future and hope of the country, so the healthy growth of children also becomes extremely important. The purpose of this paper is to give children a fun, natural and healthy play space in landscape design. Of course, this kind of wild interest close to nature is not all. What I do is let children return to nature on the basis of in-depth and thorough study of children's psychological and behavioral characteristics, and analyze and sum up interesting. A game space conducive to children's physical and mental development. This article takes three typical children's paradise as the representative, through the summary related material case and the field investigation, analyzes and deduces, extracts the landscape main points, summarizes the children outdoor game space interesting landscape essential factor. Based on the research results, this paper analyzes the present situation of urban children's activity space and its advantages and disadvantages. By analyzing the location and content of children's games, the interesting children's outdoor play space form is summarized. Finally, this paper discusses how to create a very interesting children's activity space through design means from six aspects: structure, water environment, road and pavement, plant configuration, terrain treatment and site lighting.
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