[Abstract]:In view of the large height difference of the pipeline in long distance and high lift water conveyance system and the many topographic undulating points along the line, it is easy to cause water column separation after the accident when the pump is stopped, resulting in a destructive phenomenon of breaking and closing the water hammer. This paper expounds the working principle of unidirectional pressure regulating tower and air valve, deduces the mathematical model of the boundary condition of unidirectional pressure regulating tower and air valve, and applies the characteristic line method to adopt the air valve and the one way pressure regulating tower in a project example in the north. The numerical simulation and comparative analysis of the protective effects of three different measures combined with the unidirectional pressure regulating tower and the air valve were carried out, and the volume change of the gas was calculated when the pipeline was vaporized. The results show that the air bag is easily formed in the pipe, which leads to the phenomenon of air hammer. The water hammer of the unidirectional surge tower has good protection effect, but the range of action is limited. The combination of the unidirectional pressure regulating tower and the air valve can effectively eliminate the phenomenon of water column separation. It is an effective water hammer protection measure to restrain the severe pressure fluctuation in the pipeline after the accident.
【作者单位】: 中国水电顾问集团西北勘测设计研究院;武汉大学动力与机械学院;
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