[Abstract]:In the middle of the nineteenth century, the rapid development of industry and economy brought about the iron and steel industry, elevators and communications, which made the rapid development of high-rise buildings possible. In the following time, with the emergence of more and more high-rise building practices and frequent commercial activities around the world, people constantly put forward new requirements for high-rise buildings, together with the emergence of new technologies, new materials, and new structures. New developments have taken place in tall buildings. In recent decades, the urbanization of a large number of people has led to the increase of urban population density, the rapid rise of land price and the high tension of land use. Therefore, commercial district high-rise buildings sprang up and began to become one of the leading architectural types. It not only can be used as a carrier of many functions, but also can be integrated into a unified organism. Because of its rising height, high-rise buildings in many commercial centres have begun to appear more intensively in the form of tall towers, which have an increasing impact on urban appearance and urban space. As the master of the city and the subject of observing these buildings, people are also affected by the visual impact of the tower-style high-rise building form. To some extent, the response of people to this impact puts forward more stringent design requirements for the shape control of tower tall buildings in the commercial center. Visual perception is widely used in the fields of artistic creation, photography, design and so on, and its theory covers a wide range. As an analysis method derived from the theory, line of sight analysis is more and more important in the application of architectural shape control. In the field of architectural design, the shape control of tall tower buildings is the objective premise of visual perception and symbolic information transmission. At home and abroad, there are many basic theories about visual perception, the applied research of visual perception in various fields and the aesthetic research of architectural form, but the theory of visual perception is logically applied to the visual perception theory and the method of line of sight analysis. There are not many tower tall buildings in the commercial center from different viewpoints, so it is of great significance for the author to put forward the analysis and study of the tower tall buildings in the commercial center and further put forward some suggestions. According to the direction of high-rise buildings studied by the tutor, the author collected many examples of tower high-rise buildings, based on the line of sight analysis, carried out a more comprehensive field investigation on the commercial districts of many cities, and used the field of view analysis, visual distance analysis and visual height analysis. This paper analyzes and compares the examples of tower high-rise building from many representative viewpoints, summarizes the experience and problems in the shape shaping of the building, and further extends the analysis and research to the specific parts of the building. Detailed analysis results reflect the guiding role of line of sight analysis in building shape control. Then the author participated in the actual project of Changchun Jinyuan Square as an example to further verify the guiding significance of the research results. Finally, the article summarizes the above contents, and causes readers to further explore the shape of tower tall buildings.
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