发布时间:2018-10-13 11:00
【摘要】:矿渣和粉煤灰作为矿物掺合料应用于水泥基材料中,可以降低混凝土生产成本、节约资源,还可以减少矿渣、粉煤灰向环境排放时带来的污染。因此,矿渣和粉煤灰已经成为水泥基材料的重要组成成分之一,在实际工程应用中得到了广泛的推广应用。 徐变作为水泥基材料固有的一种长期变形性能,对混凝土结构,尤其是预应力结构的影响较大,备受国内外学者的关注。为了研究净浆、砂浆、混凝土的徐变规律,分析它们的相关性,本试验采用试件尺寸40mm×40mm×160mm,温度(20±2)℃、相对湿度为(60±5)%的养护条件,测试33%荷载水平下,水胶比为0.37,磨细矿渣和粉煤灰分别为0,30%,60%等质量替代水泥,共15组水泥基材料进行徐变试验研究。 试验结果表明:骨料的加入增强了水泥基材料抵抗徐变的能力,使得水泥砂浆的时变特性与混凝土比较接近,而水泥净浆中缺少骨料的作用,易受外部因素影响,,徐变发展迅速且趋于稳定所需时间较长,与混凝土的徐变规律相差较大。掺入矿物掺合料后,未改变不同尺度间水泥基材料的整体徐变规律,对于S30、S60和F30,矿物掺合料对混凝土和对水泥砂浆徐变度的影响规律接近,最大误差不超过15%,,而对于F60,粉煤灰对混凝土和砂浆的影响规律差异较大。为了阐明其中的内在机理,结合扫描电镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)图像剖析不同掺量下的矿物掺合料与基体的集合情况发现,掺入30%磨细矿渣、掺入60%磨细矿渣和掺入30%粉煤灰时,矿物掺合料与基体结合情况良好,界面区较为致密,无明显缺陷;而粉煤灰掺量为60%时,粉煤灰表与基体的界面结合变差,对徐变规律带来不可预知的影响。基于本文试验结果,在界面结合状况良好的情况下,可以用水泥砂浆近似模拟混凝土的徐变规律研究其他因素对混凝土徐变的影响,为广泛开展徐变规律的研究提供可能条件。
[Abstract]:The application of slag and fly ash as mineral admixtures in cement based materials can reduce the production cost of concrete, save resources and reduce the pollution caused by slag and fly ash discharged into the environment. Therefore, slag and fly ash have become one of the important components of cement based materials and have been widely used in practical engineering. Creep, as an inherent long-term deformation property of cement based materials, has a great influence on concrete structures, especially prestressed ones, and has attracted much attention from scholars at home and abroad. In order to study the creep law of mortar, mortar and concrete and to analyze their correlation, the specimen size, 40mm 脳 40mm 脳 160 mm, temperature (20 卤2) 鈩
[Abstract]:The application of slag and fly ash as mineral admixtures in cement based materials can reduce the production cost of concrete, save resources and reduce the pollution caused by slag and fly ash discharged into the environment. Therefore, slag and fly ash have become one of the important components of cement based materials and have been widely used in practical engineering. Creep, as an inherent long-term deformation property of cement based materials, has a great influence on concrete structures, especially prestressed ones, and has attracted much attention from scholars at home and abroad. In order to study the creep law of mortar, mortar and concrete and to analyze their correlation, the specimen size, 40mm 脳 40mm 脳 160 mm, temperature (20 卤2) 鈩