[Abstract]:The balance between the breakdown and integration of the work structure of construction projects worldwide has been extensively discussed in the field of management, especially in the temporary organizations such as the Department of Project Management in the construction industry. As the construction projects become larger and larger, the internal structures become more and more complex, and the amount of equipment, electricity, pipelines and fire rescue systems in a building can reach 40%. With the increasing complexity of the construction projects, the design and construction of the internal facilities of the building is also increasing, and the communication among engineers is becoming more and more important. In order to ensure the construction progress of the construction project and achieve the coordination among the equipment engineers, architects, and architects, It is necessary to introduce the building information model (BIM), a revolutionary technology in the field of construction, into the construction of schedule planning and control system for large-scale construction projects. Through the application of GIS (GIS) technology, virtual design and construction (VDC) technology, augmented reality (AR) technology and 3D laser scanning (LS) technology in the field of construction, the advantages of introducing them into schedule planning and control system are demonstrated. Then from the point of view of organization and management, the application of BIM technology to the schedule planning and control system of large-scale construction projects is analyzed and studied. Through the flat organizational structure, which is a more open management mode, the project management team can better accept BIM technology, and can be more conducive to the promotion and application of new technology. The project schedule planning team based on BIM technology is established. This paper studies the content and expression of progress plan under BIM technology. Through enhancing the control ability of the project BIM planning team, the project schedule control organization structure is transformed, and the construction monitoring and visualization center (CMVC) is constructed, which ensures the completeness of the construction project schedule information and improves the utilization rate of the information. The dynamic control ability of site construction stage is strengthened, and the visual project management of progress control is realized by relying on the schedule planning and control related technical means under the BIM technology mode, which makes the real dynamic progress control on site possible.
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