发布时间:2018-10-25 14:08
【摘要】:美术馆是艺术品的收藏圣地,是人们进行心灵憩息和思考的场所。在过去的一个世纪里,我国的美术馆似雨后春笋般涌现,中国的美术馆建设在目前正处于一个快速发展时期,也是一个新的探索时期。但是,国内当前对于美术馆设计的研究相对滞后,我国目前建成的优秀美术馆建筑作品寥寥无几。如何设计好一座美术馆,一座优秀美术馆建筑的展厅应该有那些特点,对于美术馆建筑的设计师而言,是需要深入思考和解答的问题。 在当下艺术创作作品风格手法多变、形式日趋丰富的形势下,美术馆的核心——展厅的空间设计成为美术馆成功与否的关键因素,,建筑设计师在建筑设计中既要满足业主提出的种种需求,又要满足艺术家对展品优化展示的要求,还要从观众角度考虑在展厅中观展的空间感受,可以说是一件极具挑战的任务。 美术馆作为博物馆的细分,在相关研究文献的搜索中,将美术馆从博物馆的范畴独立出来研究分析的文献资料较少,而单独将美术馆的展厅作为研究对象,并从三维空间角度进行研究的文献就更加少见。这造成了设计师在展开设计之时,缺乏相关的研究参考资料,常常使美术馆的展厅设计无章可循。 正是在这样的背景下,本文展开了从“空间匹配”角度对美术馆展厅研究的尝试,试图从展厅空间的三维尺寸上展开一次图解分析,发掘出隐藏在美术馆展厅设计背后的规律与特点。 “空间匹配”指的是从建筑空间长、宽、高、面积、体积等物理属性出发,来研究空间本身的尺寸和空间之间的大小配置和组合的问题,如果这样的配置和组合是良好且被广泛认可的,那么我们就说这样的空间组合与配置达到了空间匹配,反之则是不匹配的。 具体到当代美术馆展厅的空间匹配研究,就是试图分析大量优秀的美术馆其展厅具备怎样的空间大小范围和怎样的配置组合的问题。本研究以20例优秀的国内外美术馆为案例展开调研分析,将其展厅空间的三维尺寸和组合配置加以一一剖析,并在此基础上通过图表进行了统计分析,进而总结与归纳了当代美术馆在空间匹配的角度上所具备的特点,试图对今后的美术馆建筑展厅的设计提供一定的参考。
[Abstract]:Art gallery is a collection of works of art, is a place for people to rest and think. In the past century, art galleries in China have sprung up, and the construction of art galleries in China is now in a period of rapid development and a new period of exploration. However, the current research on art gallery design is lagging behind in our country, and there are very few excellent art galleries in our country. How to design a good art gallery and the exhibition hall of an excellent art gallery building should have those characteristics. For the designers of art gallery architecture, it is a question that needs to be deeply considered and answered. In the current situation where the style of artistic creation is changing and the form is increasingly abundant, the design of the exhibition hall, the core of the art gallery, has become a key factor in the success of the museum. In architectural design, architects should not only meet the needs of the owners, but also meet the requirements of the artists for the optimal display of exhibits, and also consider the space experience of the exhibition hall from the perspective of the audience. It is a challenging task. As a subdivision of museums, in the search of relevant research documents, the art museum is independent from the scope of the museum to study and analyze the literature, but only the exhibition hall of the art gallery as the research object. And from the perspective of three-dimensional space to study the literature is more rare. As a result, the designers lack the relevant research reference materials, and often make the design of galleries unruly. It is under this background that this paper attempts to study the exhibition hall of the art gallery from the angle of "space matching", and tries to carry out a graphic analysis from the three-dimensional dimension of the exhibition hall space. Discover the laws and characteristics behind the design of the gallery hall. "Space matching" refers to the study of the size and size configuration and combination of the space itself from the physical properties of the building space such as length, width, height, area, volume, etc. If this kind of configuration and combination is good and widely accepted, then we say that such spatial combination and configuration achieve spatial matching, otherwise it is not matching. The research on the space matching of the exhibition hall of the contemporary art gallery is to try to analyze the space range and configuration combination of the exhibition hall of a large number of excellent art galleries. This study takes 20 excellent art galleries at home and abroad as a case study to analyze the three-dimensional size and combination of the exhibition space, and on this basis, through the chart to carry out statistical analysis. Then summarizes and summarizes the characteristics of contemporary art museum in the perspective of space matching, trying to provide a certain reference for the future design of the gallery building exhibition hall.
[Abstract]:Art gallery is a collection of works of art, is a place for people to rest and think. In the past century, art galleries in China have sprung up, and the construction of art galleries in China is now in a period of rapid development and a new period of exploration. However, the current research on art gallery design is lagging behind in our country, and there are very few excellent art galleries in our country. How to design a good art gallery and the exhibition hall of an excellent art gallery building should have those characteristics. For the designers of art gallery architecture, it is a question that needs to be deeply considered and answered. In the current situation where the style of artistic creation is changing and the form is increasingly abundant, the design of the exhibition hall, the core of the art gallery, has become a key factor in the success of the museum. In architectural design, architects should not only meet the needs of the owners, but also meet the requirements of the artists for the optimal display of exhibits, and also consider the space experience of the exhibition hall from the perspective of the audience. It is a challenging task. As a subdivision of museums, in the search of relevant research documents, the art museum is independent from the scope of the museum to study and analyze the literature, but only the exhibition hall of the art gallery as the research object. And from the perspective of three-dimensional space to study the literature is more rare. As a result, the designers lack the relevant research reference materials, and often make the design of galleries unruly. It is under this background that this paper attempts to study the exhibition hall of the art gallery from the angle of "space matching", and tries to carry out a graphic analysis from the three-dimensional dimension of the exhibition hall space. Discover the laws and characteristics behind the design of the gallery hall. "Space matching" refers to the study of the size and size configuration and combination of the space itself from the physical properties of the building space such as length, width, height, area, volume, etc. If this kind of configuration and combination is good and widely accepted, then we say that such spatial combination and configuration achieve spatial matching, otherwise it is not matching. The research on the space matching of the exhibition hall of the contemporary art gallery is to try to analyze the space range and configuration combination of the exhibition hall of a large number of excellent art galleries. This study takes 20 excellent art galleries at home and abroad as a case study to analyze the three-dimensional size and combination of the exhibition space, and on this basis, through the chart to carry out statistical analysis. Then summarizes and summarizes the characteristics of contemporary art museum in the perspective of space matching, trying to provide a certain reference for the future design of the gallery building exhibition hall.
相关期刊论文 前10条
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