[Abstract]:Purpose and significance the purpose of this study is to maintain and improve the natural environment for the survival of garden plants, to create plant communities suitable for the urban environment of Shangyu, to scientifically and reasonably select suitable plants, to beautify and improve the urban environment, Mold city characteristic, improve the important way of city life quality. Second, the research method this research fully uses the landscape architecture, the garden esthetics, the botany, the ecology economics, the community ecology, the forest science and so on discipline theory related to this research, uses the field investigation, the literature research and so on means, This paper probes into the landscape plant resources of Shangyu city and the composition of garden plants in urban green space, the community landscape quality of all kinds of green space and the advantages and problems of ancient trees and famous trees, for example, there is no effective connection between the major green patches; The plant community structure of different function greenbelts in the park is basically similar, and the plant species selected are similar, especially lack of the use of colored leaves and flowering plants that reflect the regional characteristics. The width of protected green belt is too small, the density of plant configuration is not enough, and the greening methods such as roof greening and vertical greening are less applied. On this basis, the species of garden plants in Shangyu city, the pattern of community allocation, the concrete application of garden plants in all kinds of urban green space, plant introduction planning and sustainable development are studied, and the effective solutions are put forward. In order to produce direct guidance for urban landscape construction practice and biodiversity conservation, and lay a foundation for further research in a wider field in the future. 3. Conclusion this study has an important guiding effect on the practice of garden greening construction and biodiversity conservation in small and medium-sized cities in southern China.
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